![[IMG] [IMG]](https://image.ibb.co/c9Wiok/2017_09_21_18_00_41.png)
Cartographer is the best minimap plugin that has fast and flawless performance.
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://files.catbox.moe/brwrqc.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/xy5lr5L.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/RCkxvQ4.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/OTUPjdr.png)
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/vnp1okb.png)
Cartographer2 is a very powerful minimap plugin that is completely customizable. It can make your server stand out among others, as well as increase the fun for your players. This is perfect for any server!
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/cqHL564.png)
Supports 1.8-1.16
Modular Support
Locale Support
Maps work in all worlds
Unlimited maps allowed
Custom overlay and background
Easy and powerful Developer API
Modular system for easy add-ons
Fast and efficient
Water depth rendering
Low memory usage
Quick Loading
Live updating
Infinite mapping
Unlimited zoom scales
Customizable colors for blocks and states
Tab complete commands
Works in off-hand
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/5g1SEwF.png)
Ⓟ = Player only
₵ = Console only
/cartographer <help|create|get|delete|reload|unload|load|module|settings> ...- Requires cartographer.
/cartographer help - View base subcommands. Requires cartographer.help
/cartographer create <id> - Create a minimap with the given id. Minimaps can span worlds, so normally one is enough. Requires cartographer.map.create.
/cartographer delete <id> - Delete the minimap with the given id. Removes it from the server and from disk. Requires cartographer.map.delete.
Ⓟ /cartographer get <id> - Get a map item for the minimap with the given id. Requires cartographer.map.get.
/cartographer get <id> <player> [slot] - Give a map item for the minimap with the given id to the specified player with an optional slot. Requires cartographer.map.give.
/cartographer reload - Reload Cartographer2's config. Requires cartographer.reload.
/cartographer reload <id> - Reload a minimap. Requires cartographer.map.reload.
/cartographer unload <id> - Unload a minimap with the given id. Requires cartographer.map.unload.
/cartographer load <id> - Load an unloaded minimap with the given id. Requires cartographer.map.load.
/cartographer module <help|list|reload|enable|disable|load|unload> ...Requires cartographer.module.
/cartographer module help - View the module subcommands. Requires cartographer.module.help.
/cartographer module list - List all the modules, regardless if they are disabled. Requires cartographer.module.list.
/cartographer module reload - Reload all the modules. Requires cartographer.module.reload.
/cartographer module enable <id> - Enable the specified module. Requires cartographer.module.enble.
/cartographer module disable <id> - Disable the specified module. Requires cartographer.module.disable.
/cartographer module load <file> - Load the specified file. Requires cartographer.module.load.
/cartographer module unload <id> - Unload the specified module. Requires cartographer.module.unload.
/cartographer settings <help|set|get|setother|getother> ...- Requires cartographer.settings.
/cartographer settings help - View the settings subcommands. Requires cartographer.settings.help.
Ⓟ /cartographer settings set <property> <value> - Set a setting to a given property. Requires cartographer.settings.set.<property>.
Ⓟ /cartographer settings get <property> - Get the value of the property. Requires cartographer.settings.get.<property>.
Ⓟ /cartographer settings setother <player> <property> <value> - Set the given property of another player. Requires cartographer.settings.setother.<property>.
Ⓟ /cartographer settings getother <player> <property> - Get the value of the property of another player. Requires cartographer.settings.getother.<property>.
₵ /cartographer settings set <player> <property> <value> - Set the property of another player from the console. Requires cartographer.settings.setother.<property>.
₵ /cartographer settings get <player> <property> - Get the property of another player from the console. Requires cartographer.settings.getother.<property>.
Possible properties for the settings are showname, cursor, and rotate. Possible values are true, false and unset. Not all values work for every property.
![[IMG] [IMG]](https://i.imgur.com/s0bVB9s.png)
cartographer - Allows access to the cartographer command.
cartographer.admin - Master permission.
cartographer.reload - Reload Cartographer2's settings and images.
cartographer.help - View the help command.
cartographer.map - Allows access to the map related commands.
cartographer.map.admin - Master permission for maps.
cartographer.map.list - List all minimaps.
cartographer.map.reload - Reload a minimap.
cartographer.map.unload - Unload a minimap.
cartographer.map.load - Load a minimap.
cartographer.map.give - Give a minimap to someone. Inherits cartographer.map.get
cartographer.map.get - Get a minimap for yourself.
cartographer.map.create - Create a new minimap.
cartographer.map.delete - Delete a minimap.
cartographer.module - Allows access to the module sub-command.
cartographer.module.admin - Master permission for modules.
cartographer.module.help - View the module subcommands.
cartographer.module.list - List all modules.
cartographer.module.reload - Reload all modules. Inherits cartographer.module.load and cartographer.module.unload
cartographer.module.load - Load a given module.
cartographer.module.unload - Unload a given module.
cartographer.module.disable - Disable a given module.
cartographer.module.enable - Enable a given module.
cartographer.settings - Allows access to the settings sub-command.
cartographer.settings.admin - Master permission for settings
cartographer.settings.help- View the settings subcommands.
cartographer.settings.set - Set and get the values for properties of yourself. Inherits cartographer.settings.get
cartographer.settings.get - Get the values for properties of yourself.
cartographer.settings.setother - Set and get values for properties of other people and yourself. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother and cartographer.settings.set
cartographer.settings.getother - Get the values for properties of others and yourself. Inherits cartographer.settings.get
cartographer.settings.set.cursor - Set the value for the cursor property of yourself. true by default. Inherits cartographer.settings.get.cursor.
cartographer.settings.get.cursor - Get the value for the cursor property of yourself. true by default
cartographer.settings.setother.cursor - Set the value of the cursor property for another player. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother.cursor.
cartographer.settings.getother.cursor - Get the value of the cursor property for another player. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother.
cartographer.settings.set.rotate - Set the rotate property for yourself. true by default. Inherits cartographer.settings.get.rotate.
cartographer.settings.get.rotate - Get the value for the rotate property of yourself. true by default
cartographer.settings.setother.rotate - Set the value of the rotate property for another player. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother.rotate.
cartographer.settings.getother.rotate - Get the value of the rotate property for another player. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother.
cartographer.settings.set.showname - Set the show name property for yourself. true by default. Inherits cartographer.settings.get.showname.
cartographer.settings.get.showname - Get the value for the show name property of yourself. true by default
cartographer.settings.setother.showname - Set the value of the show name property for another player. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother.showname.
cartographer.settings.getother.showname - Get the value of the show name property for another player. Inherits cartographer.settings.getother.