Chat 2 by Siropu

XF2 Addons Chat 2 by Siropu 2.3.0
This is an AJAX-based chat application that does AJAX calls to the server to get new messages

Added a new tab called "Polls" where users can create and vote for polls inside the chat with AJAX pagination and search.

Has user group permissions where you can set view/vote/create/edit any poll permissions.
Has admin settings where you can set polls per page, display order, display poll creation date and poll author.
Polls where the user has voted will have a green background and text.

Added ChatGPT model selection for AI command where you can choose from versions GPT 3.5 Turbo, GPT 4, and GPT 4 Turbo.

Bugs Fixed
AI responses are not displayed in the Archive.
Styling issue with rooms widget.
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