Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House

MC Plugin Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House 2.109.1
The most feature packed, up to date auction plugin on Spigot. 1.8-1.20 support in a single jar.

+ Added setting to for manual payment collection to only be sent for offline users
+ Updated NBTAPI
+ 1.20.2 Support
+ Main menu filter icon now changes material/texture depending on the selected material filter active (Can be customized)
+ Added search command to /ah transactions (/ah transactions search <player name>)
+ Added variable %filter_buy_type% to the transactions list gui (key:
+ Fixed some null errors when using the AuctionCreator & -server auctions
+ Added server listings (when listing an item using the command use -server to mark it as a server listing. Doing so will turn it into a server listing where the seller is the "server", so the item does not get added to the lister's total listings nor is it returned to anyone. Requires auctionhouse.admin perm)
+ Do an initial draw for variable buttons, then only redraw when draw() is called. Inventory is only cleared from slot 0 to 44 instead.
+ Improved the regex for pstat variables for placeholder api (Done by potatoru)
+ Fixed config variables for new installs since the transaction menus had slight changes
+ Fixed NBT API error with anvil usage & CMI
+ Call the AuctionBidEvent synchronously (when using a custom bid amount & confirmation is off)
+ Fixed back button for transaction type menu
+ Adjust the variables for the transaction view menu. The only valid variables for the buyer/seller/item items are now: %transaction_id%, %sale_type%, %date%, %transaction_date%, %buyer%, %seller%, %final_price%, %sle_type%, %item_name%
+ Fixed splash potions not being categorized as potions (new splash potions will be categorized correctly, previously listed ones will remain under misc)
+ Fixed the enchantment searching on items and books
+ Fixed the transaction list filter not updating the items correctly (you previously had to manually click refresh after updating the filter)
+ Block the filter menu search behind the same permission used for the command (
+ Attempted fix for weird "disconnect" dupe thing that involves disconnecting your wifi + redeeming keys.
(!) I have no idea if this fix would work, so just posting this with the hope that the affected server owners get back to me on this.
+ Revert matching regex for search
+ Slight code updates for UltraEconomy hook
+ Updated UltraEconomy API, use new methods to better handle bank/player balances
+ Fixed bug where players could have still used the end all button to cancel items with bids on them. Now it just just skips those items.
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