Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House

MC Plugin Auction House - The Ultimate Auction House 2.109.1
The most feature packed, up to date auction plugin on Spigot. 1.8-1.20 support in a single jar.

+ When changing most gui items, you can add a custom model number to the material name. Example: GOLD_INGOT:5 will use a custom model data of 5.
+ Run AuctionBidEvent async though main auction menu
+ Extracted listing requirements for items. Ex. Added the requirement check to both bin/auction sell menus.
+ Fixed bug where sell menus would ignore the listing cooldown

(!) I'll keep saying it, I highly suggest updating to 1.16+ as any support / compatibility for anything below that is being completely dropped this year. This goes for all my plugins that haven't done so already.
+ 1.19.3 Support
+ Switched core Material/Sound compatibility classes
+ Fixed bug where when leaving the server during a price input for auction listing it would dupe the item on rejoin
+ Fixed bug where titles wouldn't clear on quit
+ Removed debug code which allowed any player to parse PAPI variables in chat
+ Fixed bug where when listing tax is enabled w/confirmation listing, if the player doesn't have enough money to complete listing it dupes the item.
+ Fixed bug where the bottom row of glass panes could still be removed in bundle creation menu
+ The bundle creation menu now force closes when not using listing confirmation
+ Fixed bug where the bottom row of glass panes could still be removed in bundle creation menu
+ The bundle creation menu now force closes when not using listing confirmation
- Sell Menu (Select Listing Type): Added a button to return to the main auction house menu "/ah"
- Added a button to return to the previous stage of sale.
- When hovering over the clock, it should display the currently selected time, this time is not there.
- When entering the time and price in the chat, a new action bar with an example and valid time units
- Fixed /ah sell -b bug where you can take out the glass and the glass would be given to you on close
- When entering the starting bid price in the sell gui, if it is higher than the buyout price it will be set to half the buyout price instead of saying it's too low.
+ Fixed money spent placeholder not working
+ Fixed bundle creation not storing each item
+ (Custom table prefix for MySQL)
+ (Removed Database SSL option in config, in favour for connection string params instead)
+ Fixed a bug where when changing prices in the sell menu would cause the item placed in that menu disappear
+ Closed issue #9 (Items are deleted when dropped onto menu icons that cause gui close) (
+ Added getTax() to AuctionEndEvent (
+ Added getListingFee to AuctionStartEvent(
+ Added additional title unique to bid items for discord webhook (when listing) (
+ Added "bid tracking", where it will charge players outright for the bid they placed, if they are outbid they'll get their money back, same goes if the item is cancelled/deleted (
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