Anti Xray Heuristics

MC Plugin Anti Xray Heuristics 1.3.10
A set of heuristics designed to stop and or punish Xray usage

GUI heads have been disabled by default in config.yml due to them still presenting some internal issues (plain stone can be, and is now used instead by default. I know, it's ugly, but it's also clean and very cross-version compatible :'D)

Update: Unnecesary unless this is your first download, or want to reinstall AXH, in that case I'd stick to this one.

New features:
- /axh xrayer (without any parameters this time) will add dummy xrayers, if the renamed setting AddRandomDummyXrayerIfNoXrayerCommandParameters is set to true. The dummy player xrayer is saved and displayed in vault. This feature is mainly used for developing purposes, and is probably useless for everyone else.

- UseHeadsInGUI off by default in config.yml so any head issues can be avoided in "from scratch installations", specially dedicated to new users and clean reinstallers.

Config changes:
- Renamed "AddRandomDummyIfXrayerDeclaredButNameNotOnline" to "AddRandomDummyXrayerIfNoXrayerCommandParameters"

Locale changes:
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