AdminAnything - Take back control of your server

MC Plugin AdminAnything - Take back control of your server 2.4.12
Repair plugin conflicts :: auto-build player help & tab-completes :: list, disable, mute commands...

As of 5/10/2021, ZathrusWriter no longer participates in making plugins for Minecraft / Spigot. Therefore, this plugin's ownership is being transferred to MrMicky who previously also overtook (and kept under good reputation) the WorldEditSelectionVisualizer (WESV) plugin from ZathrusWriter.

I, ZathrusWriter, hereby give permission to MrMicky to take over the maintenance and coding of my AdminAnything plugin, keeping it as a Premium resource. MrMicky accepts all of the benefits and responsibilities resulting in this step (such as premium buyers support and continuous maintenance and coding of AdminAnything).

Hall of Fame ( thank you, wonderful souls! )

  • forward-compatible with future MC versions
    unless whole Minecraft undergoes a dramatic code rewrite (such as 1.13 was), AA remains forward-compatible with all of the future MC versions (even if this page won't be updated right away to implicitly say that)

  • find conflicts in commands on your server
    do you have Essentials and WorldEdit installed side-by-side? ever realized they both contain a /tree command and that Spigot is randomly choosing which plugin will act when you actually run the /tree command?


  • resolve plug-in conflicts
    have a final say at what the /tree command should really do rather than letting Spigot randomly choose between /essentials:tree and /worldedit:tree for you


  • disable unwanted commands
    get rid of all the commands you don't want your players (including OPs) to use (players with the correct AA permission assigned can still use them, if you choose so)


  • mute commands (up to Java 8 and MC 1.16.X only!)
    if you have commands which are run by automation scripts (world backups, ranks checks etc.) that spam your console, or even send unneeded messages to your OPs, you can completely mute them using AdminAnything


  • display detailed info about any server command (with search)
    not sure which plugin contains this mysterious /helloworld command? you can review list of all commands, along with all their aliases and permissions with a single command - /lc
    use filters to drill-down to the exact command (or set of commands), then check any online player for access to that command and/or permission


  • add new virtual permissions to any command on your server
    sometimes, the permissions provided by a plugin are just not enough. now you can add your own virtual permissions for any command, including its parameters and fine-tune your plugins in a way that wasn't possible before!


  • redirect commands
    when you need to redirect "/shop", so it actually runs "/warp shop", simply use AdminAnything and set this up in seconds


  • build help for your players
    by utilizing the power of AA's functionality of listing all commands available to a player (and with a bit of optional manual intervention), it's possible to build an automated help system that will show your players their available commands (while you can hide any excessive ones from them as well!)



  • automatic tab-complete disabler
    for all the commands that players really don't have access to - no manual configuration required at all (other than setting up your groups and permissions correctly on the server, that is)


  • fully customizable
    if you find out that there's a feature which you don't need in AdminAnything, you can simply turn that feature off in the plugin's config

  • chat GUI!
    if you or your moderators use AdminAnything in game, you can now click on various elements of AdminAnything's output to perform actions instead of typing commands into chat (and trying to remember their usage)


  • chat actions
    players with the right permissions can execute arbitrary command that's configured in AdminAnything's config.yml file when they click on different chat areas (nickname, join/leave message...)


  • chest GUI
    if you get a lot of chat action, you may prefer the chest GUI to chat actions, as it's easier to use. Players with the right permissions can also execute arbitrary commands configured in AdminAnything's config.yml file through this interface and there is only 1 chat action to click next to each nickname for it.



  • translations
    all the text in AdminAnything is translatable and you can easily create your own translation files and even use color codes in them (and you're welcome to contribute these files back to the project, of course!). You will find an AdminAnything/languages folder in your server's plugins directory where you can put new language files in the following format: [lang_file_prefix]-[AA_version].properties

Author FateKid
6,835 pts
2.4.12 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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