Actions ⭕ Customize your server ✅ Create Scripts, Perks, Automations ✨ 50+ Plugin Hooks

MC Plugin Actions ⭕ Customize your server ✅ Create Scripts, Perks, Automations ✨ 50+ Plugin Hooks 2.56.1
Customize your server with scripts, effects, events, and automations!

- Chain elements are now weighted, so you can make certain elements (effects) more likely than others if using the 'random' run-type.
- API: Chains can now be triggered directly without manually creating a DispatchedTrigger.
- Chains will now be considered executed if any element in them triggered successfully. This fixes bugs where effects lower down in chains are not executed if effects above them failed to run
- Fixed %hits% and %distance% not working
- Fixed feather_step effect breaking pressure plates
- Fixed multiply_velocity effect
- ConditionBlock#isMet is now thread-safe: this fixes many bugs, including where players could be kicked for seemingly no reason
- Massively optimised Condition not-met-lines
- Fixed custom placeholders not being formatted properly
- Unused triggers will no longer be dispatched, which should improve server performance
- Added in_region condition (Requires WorldGuard)
- Added enter_region trigger (Requires WorldGuard)
- Added leave_region trigger (Requires WorldGuard)
- Added region filter for the above triggers (Requires WorldGuard)
- Added drop_pickup_item effect that drops an item that runs a chain when it's picked up (Requires Paper)
- Added open_ender_chest effect
- Added add_enchant and remove_enchant effects
- Added all_players effect to run a chain for all players
- Added random_player effect to run a chain for a random player
- Added click_entity trigger
- Added age_crop effect
- Added slot options to give_item effect
- Added message option to block_commands effect
- Fixed drop_item effect
- Fixed trigger_custom effect
- Fixed location_to_cursor mutator
- Various other stability improvements
- Fixed elytra_boost_save_chance (Thanks WobbyChip!)
- Fixed damage_item trigger (Thanks WobbyChip!)
- Fixed edge cases with craft trigger (Thanks Jeck!)
- Fixed bug with shuffle_hotbar (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed flight effect (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added fill_bucket, empty_bucket, and shear_entity triggers (Thanks Exanthian!)
- Fixed keep_inventory effect not clearing drops, breaking support with some plugins (Thanks PQguanfang!)
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