• Fix: JobsReborn experience not working on crops with replantAfter turned on (replantAfter entirely removed).
• Fix: Autosell/Autocollect API events returning null materials when an interaction-based crop is harvested.
• Fix: Pumpkins/Melons materials returning as null when listening to Scyther's events.
• Addition: GriefPrevention API updates.
• Addition: JobsReborn API updates.
• Addition: Support for 1.19.1/2.
• Change: Added small error messages in place of stack traces for harvester item errors.
• Addition: 1.19 Support.
If you are enjoying the plugin, please take some time to leave a review. They are greatly appreciated! ❤
In a few words, Scyther got caught up in a full re-code that aims to provide all of the additional features plugins such as DeluxeSellwands have. I also started working IRL during that time, which now takes up a significant portion of my day. I had lots of things to do and focused more on my newest plugins. This update adds the extremely long-awaited support for 1.18.2. This of course is not the last update, Scyther will return with many new features and better than ever before.
Sorry again for the wait, to make it up for this, if you have bought Scyther, you can pick any premium plugin of mine and receive a license for free, just open a ticket on my discord. The above is valid only for users that bought the plugin before May 29th, 2022.
• Addition: 1.18.2 Support
• Fix: Some crops not respecting SuperiorSkyblock2's permissions.
• Addition: CoreProtect support.
• Addition: License command (for discord server verification)
• Other: Improved update checker.
• Other: Version-based plugin prefix so that gradients won't look ugly on non-RGB-supported versions.
Build 51c (Optional Update):
API: You can now use .getAmount to retrieve the crop amount in ScytherAutosellEvent.