plugin config

  1. hi everyone

    hi anyone ve ProtocolLib or it has made your life significantly easier, consider a one-time donation, sponsoring the project or leaving a positive review below. It really means a lot! Certain tasks are impossible to perform with the standard Bukkit API and may require working with and even...
  2. Hi, I'm Joe.

    Hi, I'm Joe. Hey there. I'm Joe. to meet ya'. I've been around playing Minecraft and various other games for 11 years at this point... on-and-off, admittedly. A friend recommended this forum to me for finding new resources etc. I've only been around a few days, but I like what I see so far...
  3. FateKid

    Plugin Configs AureliumSkills Configuration v1.0

    ・AURELIUM SKILLS CONFIGURATION is a package that offers a fresh new look and introduction to the AureliumSkills plugin, offering a better visual experience making use of simple but pleasing custom menus for the player. ○ This configuration DOES NOT USE ANY PAID PLUGIN (premium) but requires...
  4. FateKid

    Plugin Configs HALLOWEEN HOTBAR 🎃 | Hotbar Vol 2 LATEST

    This pack includes 1 Hotbar: Hotbar: There are differents bars: HP & Food Armor Oxygen Top Left: There are 2 variables: Hour Money Required Plugins: HappyHUD Oraxen / ItemsAdder Include Drag & Drop configurations for: ItemsAdder Oraxen HappyHUD Readme
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