
  1. JetsPrisonMines help Does anyone know how to ensure that the filtered plugin is not detected?

    [20:58:48] [Subproceso del servidor/INFO]: [MythicMobs] ¡Mythic ha terminado de recargarse! [0m [20:58:48] [Subproceso del servidor/INFO]: [JetsPrisonMines] Deshabilitando JetsPrisonMines v4.6.1 [20:58:48] [Subproceso del servidor/INFO]: [PlaceholderAPI] Jetsprisonmines de expansión de marcador...
  2. FateKid

    MC Plugin JetsPrisonMines | QUICK GUI SETUP | EFFECTS | SCHEMATICS | CUSTOM BLOCKS | #1 MINES | 1.8 - 1.20 4.6.4

    JetsPrisonMines is a way to manage Mines through simple-to-use GUI's ingame. Spigot Versions 1.8 - 1.16 (As well as Paper/Taco Spigot) supported. JetsPrisonMines is written to be efficient, simple but feature rich - and with an active developer, you can expect more features to be added often...
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