
  1. FateKid

    XF2 Addons Private Site 1.1.0

    For a private site where no forum content is visible to guests, the easy way to hide everything is to simply deny "View" permission to Unregistered / Unconfirmed users. However, the end result is a little messy as guest visitors get presented by an unhelpful error message "You must be logged-in...
  2. FateKid

    XF2 Addons Media Gallery Advertisement Positions 1.1.0

    Additional advertisement placements for XenForo media gallery. So far there are two additional placements: "XFMG Media view: Below media info block" - directly below the "mediaInfoBlock" - which is above the comments and media information sidebar "XFMG Album view: Below album info block" -...
  3. FateKid

    XF2 Addons Account Upgrades Info 1.0.0b1

    Add information to the account upgrades page to explain things like tax, invoicing refund policies, etc. There are two information blocks you can add - one above and/or one below below the "Available upgrades" list. Both are optional - leave the body blank to hide the entire block. Example...
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