
  1. FateKid

    XF2 Addons [XD] Old Thread Notice 1.0.0

    What does this add-on do? This add-on adds a warning to the top of threads with the most recent reply being more than a specified number of days ago. This might be used to remind users not to post in really old threads. Positions Options Style Properties User...
  2. FateKid

    XF2 Addons [SC] Twitter Page in SideBar 1.0.0

    Hello, Today I share with you an add-on made by @SyTry to add a Twitter Widget in your SideBar ! Screen : Screenshot_1.png You can change the styles via the options : twtPage.png Installation : Download and unzip it. Copy the src/addons/SyTryC/TwitterPage directory to your server. From the...
  3. FateKid


    El plugin original es de unos boludos que lo venden en un discord a 10 dolares y pues es una basura es un codigo basico lo replique en 10 minutos son simplemente unos skidders y solo saben forkear como su core chota vapor que es un fork de wave HCF cosa que si quieren tambien se las puedo pasar...
  4. FateKid

    XF2 Addons [TH] Notices Plus 1.1.0

    Notices Plus Turn your notices into overlays with an “overlay” display location and share information differently using phrases and templates in notices. Features Add the new display location “overlay” for notices Use phrases and templates in your notice bodies Do you want to further...
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