Upgradeable Spawners ⭕ Spawner Levels Plugin ✅ Entity Stacking, Butcher - 1.20 Support

MC Plugin Upgradeable Spawners ⭕ Spawner Levels Plugin ✅ Entity Stacking, Butcher - 1.20 Support 4.13.1
Let your players upgrade their spawners!

- Fixed: only-land option
This version is not compatible with older versions of UpgradeableHoppers.
If you have UpgradeableHoppers installed, please update to the latest version.

+ Added: Support for UpgradeableHoppers filter item delete feature when placing hopper underneath farm
- Fixed: [#2276] Issues with entity equipment and possible abuse in "duping" items in combination with stacking
+ Added: Support for max nearby entities if no-conditions is enabled
+ Changed: Re-apply meta-data to spawners at first chunk load
+ Added: [Suggestion] You can now customize the name of stacked entities
name: '{entity} &7- &6{amount}x'

{entity} will be replaced with the entity name from entities.yml.
- Fixed: Spawner status placeholders in menu not parsing
- Fixed: Internal stacking cache leading to wrong association
- Fixed: [#2223] Hopper connection
+ Improved: [#2226] Drecrease block state update amount
+ Updated: Hopper integration with UpgradeableHoppers
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