
MC Plugin TitleAdvanced 7.4.0


The example above is a typewriter. However you can make anything you want. Maybe just a rainbow title or some arrows pointing to your server name and blinking. You can give them a quick notification of their Faction power,... anything you want


This example shows that the subtitle can still be changed / animated during the "stay on screen time".
PS: It was supposed to be a rainbow effect
But I failed matching the rainbow colors xD



  • Backwards compatible to the protocol hacks​
  • No lagg​
  • Event triggered titles​
  • 4000+ high performance placeholders you can use​
  • Many updates​
  • Permission based title motd groups. So this can also be world specific​
  • Formatting tags allowing you to format text or placeholders (upper or lower case, substring ,...)​
  • Developer API to add placeholders​
  • Sync configurations between multiple servers in case you are lazy​
  • In depth placeholder configuration for some plugins (what they return)​

A MOTD is the entrance to your server. Some players are put off when they don't get a nice looking MOTD when joining a server, others are annoyed because it looks boring or with irrelevant information.

After creating the free alternative for this plugin: http://www.spigotmc.org/resources/titlemotd.1171/
I noticed it was cooler, .. but still boring. So I decided to work on an easy configurable way to create animated titles.

This plugin supports colors (ofcourse) and animated title and subtitle with async. intervals so you can change the animation interval of both the title and subtitle. In the gif above the subtitle changes slower then the animated title.

Also it allows sending different animations to different permission groups.
(See permissions and config)

Above that when a player is using 1.7 you can create a failback MOTD message in the chat that is also group specific and also allows support for all placeholders. The permissions for these failback groups are different so you don't need to make a failback motd for every title group.

Just like the free version of this plugin it supports a different message on First Join or a Welcome back. However this is not the case in the 1.7 failback.

Personally my server doesn't really have the best of hardware so making it lagg free was one of my main goals. This plugin will not cause any lagg

This plugin supports both 1.8 and the latest protocol hack! A 1.8 or semi 1.8 server is required

If you need help configuring just contact me on this thread or a PM

Q: Why does the way of configuring looks similar to Tab and ActionBar
A: Despite being totally different my philosophy is to create something people understand. If I totally change the way of configuring with every plugin I create no one will understand. Making them look similar is in many cases a difficult job (since all three plugins are different) but the goal is to make it look familiar.


# ------------------------------ #
# TitleAdvanced 7
# (c) Maxim Van de Wynckel
# ------------------------------ #

# About: Minecraft 1.8 features a title text that is displayed
# in the middle of the screen. This plugin utilizes that
# title to display a permission specific MOTD with lots
# of variables and animated text.
# This plugin supports variables from various plugins.

# Permissions: To use the title groups give them the permission
# titleadvanced.group.<group>
# Make sure to remove them from the other groups
# when giving a new permission.

# Commands: List of all commands
# (ALIASES: titlemotdadvanced,title)
# /titleadvanced reload - Reload the configuration
# /titleadvanced help - Show more commands

# Variables: These variables can be used in the TEXT section
# of both the header as the footer.
# {PLAYER} - Player name
# {PLAYERNICK} - Player nickname
# {SERVER} - Server name
# {PLAYERCOUNT} - Server player count
# {BUNGEECOUNT} - Bungee network player count
# Lots more... See the spigot page (5000+)


## Config version (DO NOT EDIT)
config: 5

## Language file
lang: 'en'

## Debug mode
debug: false

## Log to file
enabled: true
# Reset log on startup
reset: true

## Update checking


# Title MOTD assigning. The title can be assigned by various ways.
# default the titles will be assigned by permissions.
# You can have multiple ways of assigning a title, but
# keep in mind that it uses a "first come first served" principal
# Multiple assign methods is only recommended when using things like
# TIME or WORLD in combination with something else.
# PERMISSION - Assign titles based on permissions
# This is the default setting (since 2014)
# titleadvanced.group.<title>
# GROUP - Assign titles based on Vault groups
# this means the title name has to
# have the name of your Vault group.
# WORLD - Assign titles based on the world
# the player is in.
# TIME - Assign the title based on the day.
# "day" for Day and "night" for night.
# NONE - Do no assign titles and just rely on
# manual assigning (triggers, etc...)
# LANGUAGE - Client language (en,nl,fr) Two letter language code
# PLACEHOLDER:* - Assign the title based on a placeholder
# this method can be very intensive for certain non cached
# placeholders.
# It will look for a title name matching the result
# of the placeholder.
# Replace "*" with an actual placeholder (ex. "PLACEHOLDER:{isflying}" )
# KEEP IN MIND: Fast switching titles is not a good thing.
# SPAWN_DISTANCE - Assign the title based on the distance to the world's spawn
# Name your title: "spawn_distance_*" where * is a number
# representing the distance. (ex. "spawn_distance_10")
# The example would math the title if you are within 10 blocks
# to the spawn.

# Placeholder settings
# Force install all placeholders (NOT RECOMMENDED)
force-all: false
# logs the memory usage of placeholders on startup
log-memory: false
# Clear unused placeholders that are not enabled.
clear-unused: true
# Config cache only
# This will only use placeholders in the config
config-cache: false

# Configure all titles here. These titles are not shown by default and have
# to be triggered using a command, trigger event or by defining
# Only define this motd section if you want to use the title as an MOTD title
# you will need "titleadvanced.group.example-firstjoin"
# Show the title on first join
firstjoin: true
# Do not show the title on rejoin
rejoin: false
# Fade in time in TICKS (20 ticks = 1 sec)
# This is the fade in time for the first text in the row
fadein: 0
# Stay on screen time in TICKS
# This is the stay on screen time for the last message
staytime: 20
# Fade out time in TICKS
# This is the fade out time for the last message
fadeout: 15
# Delay time before starting the title. Recommended +- 10 ticks
delay: 10
# Title message
- '&9&kO&aW&9&kO' # Start typewriter
- '&9&kO&aWe&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelc&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelco&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcom&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO' # Let the welcome show a bit longer
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome&9&kO' # Start backspace
- '&9&kO&aWelcom&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelco&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelc&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWel&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWe&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aW&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&&2T&9&kO' # Start writing "To"
- '&9&kO&2To&9&kO' # Let the "to" show a bit longer
- '&9&kO&2To&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&2To&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&2T&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8M&9&kO' # Start writing MVdW-Software
- '&9&kO&8MV&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVd&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-S&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-So&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Sof&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Soft&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Softw&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Softwa&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Softwar&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Software&9&kO' # Staytime starts here (20)
# Animation interval
interval: 3
# Subtitle message
- '&8Welcome {PLAYER}!'
- '&6The time is &e{TIME}'
- '&aThere are &2{PLAYERCOUNT}&a players online'
- '&cYou have &f$&7{MONEY} &c to start'
- '&bEnjoy your stay!'
# Animation interval
interval: 25
# Only define this motd section if you want to use the title as an MOTD title
# you will need "titleadvanced.group.example-firstjoin"
# Do not show the title on first join
firstjoin: false
# Show the title on rejoin
rejoin: true
# Fade in time in TICKS (20 ticks = 1 sec)
# This is the fade in time for the first text in the row
fadein: 0
# Stay on screen time in TICKS
# This is the stay on screen time for the last message
staytime: 20
# Fade out time in TICKS
# This is the fade out time for the last message
fadeout: 15
# Delay time before starting the title. Recommended +- 10 ticks
delay: 10
# Title message
- '&9&kO&aW&9&kO' # Start typewriter
- '&9&kO&aWe&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelc&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelco&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcom&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO' # Let the welcome show a bit longer
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome!&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelcome&9&kO' # Start backspace
- '&9&kO&aWelcom&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelco&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWelc&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWel&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aWe&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&aW&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&&2T&9&kO' # Start writing "To"
- '&9&kO&2To&9&kO' # Let the "to" show a bit longer
- '&9&kO&2To&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&2To&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&2T&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8M&9&kO' # Start writing MVdW-Software
- '&9&kO&8MV&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVd&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-S&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-So&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Sof&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Soft&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Softw&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Softwa&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Softwar&9&kO'
- '&9&kO&8MVdW-Software&9&kO' # Staytime starts here (20)
# Animation interval
interval: 3
# Subtitle message
- '&8Welcome back {PLAYER}!' #0 - 25 ticks
- '&6The time is &e{TIME}' #25 - 50 ticks
- '&aThere are &2{PLAYERCOUNT}&a players online'
- '&cYou have &f$&7{MONEY}'
- "&bDon't forget to vote!"
# Animation interval
interval: 25


You can basically create any effect you like. But if you want to make quick or more advanced changes you can use these formatting tags


TitleAdvanced allows you to trigger specific titles based on various in game events such as combat, mcmmo, ...

That way you can use TitleAdvanced for other plugins and show relevant information to the player for example when he enters a town ,etc...


description: Reload the configuration
default: op
description: Show plugin help
default: true
description: Upload log
default: op
description: Upload config
default: op
description: About the plugin
default: true
description: List all permissions
default: true
description: Reset the configuration file
default: false
description: Available placeholders
default: op
description: Parse effects or placeholders to chat
default: op
description: Default group
default: true
description: Default group
default: true
description: Show a title to the target
default: op
Author Bees?
3,580 pts
7.4.0 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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