TheCrappiest-PremiumHub 5 | 1.13+ SUPPORT | NPC, DISCORD, MYSQL AND MORE!

MC Plugin TheCrappiest-PremiumHub 5 | 1.13+ SUPPORT | NPC, DISCORD, MYSQL AND MORE! 5.3.5-Beta
A new fantastic Hub essentials, everything you need for the hub server!


Supported/Tested Versions:
1.8+, 1.9+, 1.10+, 1.11+, 1.12+, 1.13+, 1.14+, 1.15+, 1.16+, 1.17+, 1.18+

1.8.3 - 1.18.2 is now supported. Reviews about supported versions will now be ignored.

PremiumHub is one of the few lobby plugins on the market that is professionally made, efficient, well developed and affordable. I have spent a lot of time on this project, and therefore I'm very excited to share it with you guys.

Fun fact: PremiumHub started off as a completely different plugin, called NetworkCore - this plugin was poorly coded, which is why I started working on PremiumHub. PremiumHub was first released back in February 2017. In less than a year PremiumHub has been purchased 350 times and is currently one of SpigotMC's top rated plugin​


Custom Items,
Custom Inventories,
Launchpads (two different modes),
Auto broadcaster,
Clearchat (three different modes, normal, silent or anonymous.),
Custom command manager (enable, disable commands. Add and remove aliases from each command.),
Teleportation system,
Supporting PlaceholderAPI by clip. and
Much other stuff.
Spoiler: Feature Images


Format: Action | Example of usage. | Description

[message] | [message] Hello (username)! | Private message to a user!
[messageCentered] | [messageCentered] Hello (username)! | Private centered message to a user!
[consoleCommand] | [consoleCommand] stop | Execute a command from the console!

[broadcast] | [broadcast] Hello everyone! | Broadcast a message.
[broadcastCentered] | [broadcastCentered] Hello everyone! | Broadcast a centered message.
[broadcastTitle] | [broadcastTitle] Hello | Broadcast a title.
[broadcastSubtitle] | [broadcastSubtitle] Hello | Broadcast a subtitle.

[playerTitle] | [playerTitle] Hello (username)! | Private title to a user!
[playerSubtitle] | [playerSubtitle] How are you? | Private subtitle to a user!
[playerSettings] | [playerSettings] | Brings up the player settings menu!
[playerChat] | [playerChat] Hello, I just sent a chat message! | Send a chat message as a user.
[playerCommand] | [playerCommand] say Hello, i executed a command! | Execute a command as a user.
[warp] | [warp] testwarp | Send player to warp specified.

[openInventory] | [openInventory] Example Inventory | Open a inventory for a user. (Custom inventories.)
[closeInventory] | [closeInventory] | Close the inventory for a user!
[sendServer] | [sendServer] Lobby1 | Send the player to a server.
[sound] | [sound] LEVEL_UP | It will play the sound LEVEL_UP for the player.

Please, do not hesitate to request more actions.


Observation: This section is only for developers.


Spoiler: AccountLoadedEvent
Spoiler: FirstJoinEvent
Spoiler: PlayerEnterPortalEvent

To get access to the methods use:
PremiumHub#getApi() - Returns an Interface. Observation: Be careful changing data in Account object, PremiumHub is designed after the object.


Permission | Usage

PremiumHub.grapplinghook | Be able to use the grappling hook gadget.
PremiumHub.portal.manage | Be able to manage the portals using the command.
PremiumHub.coloredsigns | Be able to create signs using colors.| Be able to use the fly command. | Be able to use the fly command for other players.
PremiumHub.inventory | Be able to open an inventory using the command.
PremiumHub.launchpad | Be able to managing launchpads using the command.
PremiumHub.spawn | Be able to use spawn command.
PremiumHub.spawn.edit | Be able to edit the spawn location.
PremiumHub.voidfall | Be able to use voidfall command.
PremiumHub.voidfall.edit | Be able to edit the voidfall location.
PremiumHub.bypass.clearchat | Don't get your chat chat cleared.
PremiumHub.clearchat | Be able to clear the chat using commands.
PremiumHub.hologram | Managing holograms by command.
PremiumHub.warp | Warp to a location.
PremiumHub.setwarp | Set a warp!
PremiumHub.delwarp | Delete a warp!
PremiumHub.teleport | Teleport to a player. | Teleport a player to you!
PremiumHub.teleport.all | Teleport all to you're location.
PremiumHub.gamemode | Change gamemode! | Toggle you're buildmode. | Toggle other players buildmode.

PremiumHub.options.flight | Be able to toggle flight option.
PremiumHub.options.jump | Be able to toggle jump option.
PremiumHub.options.speed | Be able to toggle speed option.
PremiumHub.options.stacker | Be able to toggle stacker option.
PremiumHub.options.invisibility | Be able to toggle invisibility option. | Be able to toggle chat option.
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
5.3.5-Beta Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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Minecraft Is Better With Plugins

TheCrappiest-PremiumHub 5 | 1.13+ SUPPORT | NPC, DISCORD, MYSQL AND MORE! is the ultimate Minecraft plugin to take your next project to new heights. Increase the quality of your Minecraft server gameplay by downloading it for free!

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