Spartan Anti-Cheat | Advanced Cheat & Hack Detection | 1.7 - 1.21

MC Plugin Spartan Anti-Cheat | Advanced Cheat & Hack Detection | 1.7 - 1.21 Phase 535.5
Advanced & reliable cheat prevention made simple, trusted by over 100,000 servers.

Added support for Minecraft 1.21
This update once again brings huge improvements to Spartan.
  1. The Cancel Violation and False Positive Detection algorithms have been incorporated in the Live Violation algorithm, saving your server's resources in the process.
  2. The Machine Learning algorithm has been further developed and now uses less memory while running faster, plus I will be using to implement its first detections in the future.
  3. Violations are now uncapped where previously they would go up to 100 per minute and are time linear, meaning they will decrease as time passes if a player is not hacking. This will offer greater stability while improving long term statistics with undisputed evidence.
  4. Last but not least, the plugin was once again deeply maintained with outdated handlers and listeners being rewritten to track data better while consuming less resources from your server.
  5. The rest is history:

Hello everyone. There have been a few but concerning reports about Spartan's recent update degrading performance. The issue is not crystal clear yet but is nonetheless related to memory management. While I work to fix this with a few users, I recommend you downgrade from Phase 533 to Phase 532.2 to avoid potentially dealing with this. Thank you.
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This update introduces Machine Learning training algorithms for the movement checks. There are no detections yet implemented, although successful testing of a few has been conducted. I will be measuring the effects of this update to fix any potential issues introduced but to also help all of you gather data for when the detections are implemented.
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Hello everyone. There have been a few but concerning reports about Spartan's recent update degrading performance. The issue is not crystal clear yet but is nonetheless related to memory management. While I work to fix this with a few users, I recommend you downgrade from Phase 533 to Phase 532.2 to avoid potentially dealing with this. Thank you.
This hotfix fully stabilizes this update and is recommended for everyone. If you are still in Phase 532 or earlier, I urge you to update, but it will not be so necessary for the already stable Phase 532.1 update.
Fixed a few console errors. Sorry folks, this update was massive, it was kind of expected, but now all good.
I will be conducting a Machine Learning project for Spartan in the future, if you wish to participate as a BETA Tester and help me train new algorithms but also get them ready for production, feel free to participate by joining at and reacting in my recent news message. Thank you!
  1. Removed a forgotten debug message.
  2. Ignored always using isCancelled in the PlayerDeathEvent.
  3. Fixed a Damage Cause console error.
Hey folks, I hope you are all doing great. I wanted to notify that this update removes the Ban, Report, Debug & Spectate functionalities. I did this as my time is limited due to heavy workload and I want to focus only in what's important, which is checks and their respective detections that you should expect upgrades in the future. Unfortunately, moderation functionalities is not one of them and never has been, and I'd rather remove them than keep them there unmaintained with poorly implemented code of my younger self, with overall limited functionality and better alternatives available at many other places. Kicks and warnings still exist and should serve you well.
  1. Fixed a memory bug where messages would remain outdated and show Spartan 1.0 instead of 2.0.
  2. Added support for the “allowPublicKeyRetrieval” SQL option in sql.yml.
  3. Made the IrregularMovements equilibrium detection not increase violations when distance traveled is too low.
  4. Hackers will now require evidence from 2 checks instead of previously 3 checks.
  5. Removed the Detection Tick functionality and balanced the use of the Move event.
  6. Removed the default ‘spartan {player} if {tps} > 18.0 do’ unnecessary part of the punishment command.
  7. Spartan will no longer be responsible for measuring the stability of your server’s TPS.
  8. Removed the ban, unban, ban-info, report, spectate commands and their respective options because it’s not worth for Spartan to focus on low-quality moderation functionalities.
  9. Removed the spectate & debug functionalities and their respective options & items because it’s not worth for Spartan to focus on low-quality moderation functionalities.
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