ReviveMe 1.14 - 1.20.4 | PAPI Support | No Dependencies⭕

MC Plugin ReviveMe 1.14 - 1.20.4 | PAPI Support | No Dependencies⭕ 3.9.0
Revive your friends!. No dependencies | MySQL | RGB | All customizable!✅

[ + ] Compatibility with many vehicle plugins such as "VehiclesPlus" was added.
[ + ] added "%reviveme_reviver%" placeholder
[ / ] Changes were made to the command autocomplete, which sometimes could fail.
[ X ] A very important error has been fixed. Please update! Thank you
[ x ] The internal functioning of the "ReviveZones" has been changed to improve performance in loading and unloading chunks.
[ x ] Some errors with damage to certain entities were fixed: item when touching lava or a cactus, item frame when trying to break it
[ + ] update plastmovoice hook
[ x ] An issue with the GPS was fixed. When selecting a player, it would deselect instantly.
[ + ] A new compatibility option with graves was added to config.yml.
[ x | / ] An error with the event has been fixed, and the variable <enemy> has been changed to <robber>
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