NightMarket - Limited, Rotating Shops

MC Plugin NightMarket - Limited, Rotating Shops 1.0.5
A plugin that brings a limited-access, rotating shop to Minecraft.

NightMarket - Large.png
A plugin that brings a limited-access, rotating shop to Minecraft. Supports Vault and has an easy-to-use developer API for other plugins.

You may compile this plugin yourself, but I will not provide support to those who do not purchase the plugin.


  • Developer API to add currency support
  • Rotating shop with configuration to manage dates/times to rotate shop.
  • Limited access shop with configuration to manage dates/times for when the shop is accessible.
  • Admin commands to reload config, force rotate player shops, and help with debugging.
  • Supports datastore types:
    • MySQL - remote
    • MongoDB - remote
    • SQLite - flatfile
    • JSON - human-readable file

  • /nightmarket : Opens NightMarket GUI (permission: nightmarket.use)
  • /nightmarket-admin reload : Reloads configuration (permission: nightmarket.admin)
  • /nightmarket-admin forcerotate <player>: Forcefully rotates provided player's shop (permission: nightmarket.admin)
  • /nightmarket-admin debug: Provides debug information about plugin (permission: nightmarket.admin)

Code (YAML):
# NightMarket v1.0.0 by byteful#0001

# Attention! Support will not be given to those who have not purchased this plugin through SpigotMC.

# [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
# Useful Links:
#   =>
#   =>
#   =>
# With text/messages, color codes, hex codes, and PlaceholderAPI (in some instances) is supported.
# [-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]

# Configuration for currency implementations. Use this with external dependencies to add their currency managers in.
- "me.byteful.plugin.nightmarket.currency.impl.VaultCurrency"

# Configuration for the data store used to store players' current shop rotation. Remote databases are supported for cross-server night markets.
# > Types:
#   - Remote Databases: (You will need to use one of these for cross-server night markets!)
#       => MySQL (remote relation-based database, may have connection/lag issues)
#       => MongoDB (remote document-based database, may have connection/lag issues)
#   - Local Databases: (These will only store player night markets on the current server!)
#       => JSON (human-readable text format, prone to corruption and error)
#       => SQLite (flatfile relation-based database that lives in the plugins' folder, fast and stable)
type: "SQLite"
# Only required if type is set to MySQL!
mysql_uri: "jdbc:mysql://username:password@host:port/database"
# Only required if type is set to MongoDB!
uri: "mongodb://username:password@host:port"
database: "NightMarket"

# Configuration for other miscellaneous settings.
# Should the GUI close after buying an item?
close_on_buy: true
# Should an announcement be sent when shops have rotated?
rotate_announcement: true
# Should NightMarket check SpigotMC daily for updates?
update: true

# Configuration for all the items that this plugin chooses from. Items will be randomly selected for players' shops based on their rarity.
# > Higher the rarity, the more common.
# > Example item configuration:
#  ItemId:
#    icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
#      name: "diamond sword" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
#      lore:
#        - "hello" # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
#      material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
#    command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item.
#    price:
#      currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
#      amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
# This ID will be stored with player's current shop rotation so changing these can cause unexpected results.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword1" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword2" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword3" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword4" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword5" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword6" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello u can buy this one multiple times"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: true # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.
icon: # Configuration for the icon displayed in the shop, not the actual item given to the player. That is done via commands for flexibility.
name: "diamond sword7" # The display name of the icon displayed in the shop.
lore: # The lore of the icon displayed in the shop.
- "hello"
- "&6Price: 6.90"
material: DIAMOND_SWORD # The material of the icon displayed in the shop. This is not the item given to the player.
# player_head: "Steve" # The player name or skull texture to put on a player head. This is not the item given to the player.
command: "/give {player} diamond_sword 1" # The command ran once the player successfully buys the item. Placeholders: {player} - the player's name
multiple_purchase: false # Can this item be purchased multiple times by the same player?
currency: "VAULT" # Currency depends on hooked currency plugins. Vault is supported by default. Other plugins will require external hooks to work with this option.
amount: 6.9 # The actual amount of currency the item costs.

# The schedule for the opening and closing of the night market. Times and dates depend on server time, so please change that in your system.
mode: "DATE" # Modes: DATE - specific dates in the year, TIMES - specific times every day
# Specific config for the DATE mode.
# Preferred date format: (month/day/year hour:minute:second AM/PM) (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS AM/PM)
- start: "12/31/2022 12:00:00 AM"
end: "01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM"
- start: "02/05/2023 12:00:00 AM"
end: "02/10/2023 12:00:00 AM"
# Specific config for the TIMES mode. Uses AM and PM or 24 hour time.
# Preferred time format: (hour:minute:second AM/PM) (HH:MM:SS AM/PM)
- start: "06:00:00 AM"
end: "08:00:00 AM"
- start: "12:00:00 PM"
end: "01:00:00 AM"

# The schedule for rotating the items in each players' night market. Times and dates depend on server time, so please change that in your system.
mode: "DATE" # Modes: DATE - specific dates in the year, TIMES - specific times every day
# Specific config for the DATE mode.
# Preferred date format: (month/day/year hour:minute:second) (MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS)
- "12/31/2022 12:00:00 AM"
- "01/01/2023 12:00:00 AM"
# Specific config for the TIMES mode. Uses AM and PM or 24 hour time.
# Preferred time format: (hour:minute AM/PM)
- "06:00:00 AM"
- "12:00:00 AM"

# Settings for the GUI displayed when running /nightmarket
name: " "
- ""
material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE # player_head instead of material also supported here.
# Title of the GUI
title: "&6NightMarket"
# Number of rows in the GUI
rows: 3
# The GUI slots that will be populated with the background_icon item.
# You may use '-' to indicate to. EX: 1-24 means all slots from 1 to 24.
- "0-8"
- "9"
- "17"
- "18-26"
# The GUI slots that items will be placed in. [!] The number of slots here will determine the number of randomly-picked shop items. [!]
# You may use '-' to indicate to. EX: 1-24 means all slots from 1 to 24.
- "10-16"


Author FateKid
5,910 pts
1.0.5 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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