+ Updated to 1.21.4
+ API has been started, it resides in this class path com.MT.xxxtrigger50xxx.API.MTAPI
+ Developers can now use MTAPI.isDevice(location) to check if a location is a device.
+ Developers can now use MTAPI.getDevice(location) to get a Device object at a specific location.
+ Developers can now use MTAPI.getPlayerData(uuid) to get a PlayerData object related to MT.
+ Developers can now use MTAPI.isBiter(entity) to check if an entity is a biter.
+ Developers can now use MTAPI.getSuperChunk(location) to get the superchunk that location resides in.
+ Minetorio Items can no longer be used in vanilla crafts. However they can be used in vanilla crafts IF you make a custom recipe for it using MT.
+ Fixed an issue in 1.21.4 causing Automation Science Packs to be crafted in sets of 10's
+ You can no longer use Minetorio items to craft vanilla items.
+ Fixed an issue with breaking power reciever not returning your money when broken.
+ Updated WorldEdit / WorldGuard to compile with their newer builds.
+ Build 0.83 is version locked to the 1.21+ versions of Minecraft. As of writing this this version works with 1.21.1, 1.21.2, 1.21.3 & 1.21.4
+ Version 1.20.6 & 1.20.4 support is now SUNSETTING. In the next versions of Minetorio support for these versions will no longer be given. To the 7 servers running these versions, you should consider updating, based on my statistics gathered alone, over 90% of players on servers are using 1.21+
+ Please remember my policy for version support is still 3 MC versions back. 1.21, has over 4 versions in it now. I have maintained these older version despite this policy to help server owners have time to update. But now there is so little users in these versions its okay to not maintain them anymore.
+ Developers make requests of API you would like to see added to Minetorio and It will be added! I have more things ill be adding of course but things developers want will be prioritized.
+ The wiki while out of date, I have added an API section that will help with the basics of the working with it. This will be worked on overtime.
+ The Craft and the Assemblers can now be copied and pasted with the Blueprinter!
+ Fixed Admin Claims in GriefPrevention!
+ Fixed an issue with looking up and down when mining using the tunnel pickaxe.
EXPERIMENTAL BUILD - This is a major version update, expect some issues for the first couple of builds! Thank you!
+ Updated to 1.20.6
+ Most devices now produce pollution, noteably power generators produce the most, followed by manufactoring like assemblers and crafter then least amount from most electrical devices.
+ New Command! /mt map! This shows the pollution map! You can use this to see what areas have the most pollution!
+ New Device! Pollution Generator! This device produces 100 pollution per second. Great for testing!
+ Crops now have stunted growth based on pollution in the super chunk they are in. Every 100 pollution gives 1% chance to fail on growth.
+ When animals breed they have a chance to not spawn a new entity based on the pollution of the chunk. 100 pollution gives 1% chance to fail.
+ Biters! Biter nests now spawn in super chunks with more then 50 pollution in it!
+ Biter nests obsorb pollution from the enviroment and then turn it into new biters.
+ Biter attacks! Biter nests will spawn a certain amount of biters around them, then when they have reached their max amount they will begin gathering an attack with nearby nests.
+ Biter attacks can happen every 10 minutes and can have a max size of 20.
+ Biters when attacking target pollution causing devices. They will attack anything in their way though and break blocks. When they cannot reach something they can create web towers to get to it.
+ If a better attack destroys its target and all other devices in a 100 block radius, then a nest spawns in that superchunk ending the attack.
+ Biters are disabled by default, however pollution is still enabled. Biters may not work well on weaker servers.
+ New Permission MT.ALLITEMS, this permission or being OP will now show all items that are "debug" items, these items are items like the cold fusion reactor, pollution generator and the item forge.
+ New Device the Advanced Auto Turret! This device is similar to a Bow Turret, however it shoots 3 arrows so its dps is 3x higher! It can be researched after bow turrets!
+ New Industrial components! Engine Units, Sulfur & Explosives!
+ Chemical Science packs have been added to the advanced assembler. They are crafted with advanced circuits, engine units and sulfur.
+ New Device! The Laser Turret, this device uses electricy! No ammo! Yay! It uses alot of power to deal damage. Its dps is about 33% lower then the advanced bow turret. It requires a bit of tech to get to, and its tech needs chemical science.
+ New Item! Repair pack! These are used to repair damaged blocks, they repair in a 3x3 area!
+ New config options for general distances. These distances control everything. This will give servers the ability to reduce performance or spend more performance if they desire.
+ 22 New Config options for biters!
+ Some config options are reserved for only in the config file as they have alot to digest before changing them.
+ Land mines! These are great for defending from biter attacks!
+ New Device! Mine Layer! This device will scatter landmines in front of it! This is a great way to turn landmines into a reliable defense!
+ A couple of new guide options have been added to inform players of biters!
+ Technical change - The reference API is no longer shaded.
+ Turrets can now shoot from 4 points, each point is 1 block in a cardinal direction. This allows them to shoot straight down walls and allows them to shoot along walls.
+ Grenades can now blow up cobwebs and nether wart blocks. (Useful for clearing nests)
+ Assemblers and Crafters now show the name of the item they are crafting when you are close to it.
+ Electric Furnace & Explosive Crossbow Technology now requires Chemical Science to unlock.
+ When a recipe uses liquid as an ingredient it now displays the requirement in a nicer way and informs the player of needing a connection to the assembler.
+ Cliff Explosives now use explosives instead of tnt as an ingredient.
+ New /mt item category's for Defense items and tools!
+ All devices now attempt to get their proper material, if they cant they default to a smooth stone slab if their supposed to be a slab, if they are not a slab they default to a crafting table. (Helps with older versions)
+ Text for the config editor now wraps in the description of the config option.
+ Fixed an issue with steam engines not enabling when placed.
+ If you are updating from 1.20.4 there will be no issues updating.
+ If you want to continue to use 1.20.4 this build will work fine.
+ If you want to go from 1.20.6 to 1.20.4 you will need a fresh install of Minetorio, deleting all stored MT data is a must.
+ There is alot of technical details with this update, by default biters are disabled. This is due to the physical demands it can have, which may not work well on lower systems.
+ Fine tuning the biters will likely be needed until testing is concluded. After sometime of testing and performance changes biters will likely be enabled by default but likely at a smaller capacity.
+ Powergrids now show as different colors to help identify each grid when holding a power grid device such as a battery or wire tool.
+ Power grid visual changed from lava particles to colored dust.
+ Fixed assemblers and crafter not taking the correct amount of items from their inputs when crafting.
+ Grid merging has been fixed.
+ Devices when broken are now removed from the grid properly.
+ Stranded devices from a grid now create their own grid rather then being linked to their severed grid.
+ The power grid range visual is much more accurate now, the range will change based on height.
+ Boilers now perform better while active.
+ Boilers now require 30 water, they were removing 30 water if it was available and creating steam regardless if there was water or not.
+ Boilers now update their physical form when players are now nearby. This means they only appear to be burning when your within 64 blocks of them, this saves a bit of performance.
+ Boilers now have their UI force updated once, this prevents inventory UI pop-in. So you shouldn't have to wait a second to see the UI if it was the first time viewing it.
+ Combustion Engines now only update their furnace appearance when a player is nearby. This increase performance quite a bit.
+ Combustion Engines now cache their inventory and use that inventory for the actions. This increase performance quite a bit.
+ Boilers can now use movers to take out their fuel as an output slot. This allows you to do a mover boiler pattern. I'm sure someone more clever then I will come up with a good use for this!
+ Combustion generators can now do the same thing, this is pretty useful for early game combustion power.
+ Boilers no longer show their power icon since they dont use power.
+ Fixed an issue with the autominer where it would break nothing but use the pickaxe durability.
This was the second round of optimization, a major change was done to both boilers and combustion engines, while they both use way less performance they are handling themselves differently. Rather then coding both to use the same code base because they are very similar, I was torn between two ways to optimize either of them, so I did each idea for each system. Each system with these optimizations have a pro and a con. The man pro to both of them is they are very performant, however larger scale testing needs to be done to see who is king. The other thing different is their con, the downside to the boiler method is the display doesnt show the furnace as cooking despite its visual representation as being on and cooking. The combustion engine method's con is it does show as cooking however it is slightly off in fuel time. Either way the improvements from my testing where huge. Bringing a 2 minute benchmark of 800ms+ down to almost only 20ms. Scaling with large scale factories will now perform alot better! It will be sometime before the next major update comes out, but I have decided that its time for research to be added before adding in any more complex things.
+ Using older versions of 1.20 will no longer spam the console with errors for WHITE SMOKE, the particle uses FIREWORKS SPARK now instead on older versions of 1.20.
+ Autoplanter now plants saplings again.
+ Autoplanter no longer needs a restart to start planting saplings again.