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Plugin Configs ✔Lobby Selector Bungeecord [DeluxeMenus] ✔ 2024-04-02

This is a custom lobby menu that comes up as a GUI when typed /lobby. In the lobby GUI, you can see in which lobby you are connected, how many players are online, and in which version is that lobby. It will say "Connected" in the lobby that you are on if you wish to connect to other lobbies with fewer players or different versions you can do so by clicking on the desired lobby. You can configure however you want your Lobb selector to look, free fill to change anything.

1) Put in DeluxeMenus folder and Restart your server

* Copy config in the "DeluxeMenus" folder to your server, and restart the server.

2) Download and install Placeholders (if placeholders are not working)

Installation Via command
* /papi ecloud download Pinger
* /papi ecloud download Server
* /papi ecloud download Bungee
* /papi reload or restart the server

3) Permissions

* Access Lobby Menu
+ For member:
- deluxemenus.lobby
+ For admins:
- deluxemenus.admin

4) Restart server and your done!​
Author Ariyan__CJ
210 pts
2024-04-02 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)
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