Lib's Disguises [Premium]

MC Plugin Lib's Disguises [Premium] 10.0.44
A premium disguise plugin which I find to be better than the others..

[NULLFORUMS] - Updated and fixed authentication issues
This is a small bugfix build, interesting how issues always crop up just after a release.

* Fixed /undisguise not working correctly for 1.16 and older
* Fixed error occuring if a minecraft skin did not exist when doing a lookup
* Saved disguises should now persist better on server crash
* Fixed bisect hosting not enabling premium properly
* When warning about possible malware, note how many extra files
This is a minor release

* Amended warning about modified jar
* Fixed spectator camera not working on a fresh disguise
* Fixed wolf disguise setAngry for versions older than 1.16
* Cleaned up some nms and code, removed legacy comments
* Added warning for modded servers (Lib's Disguises doesn't support em)
* Added a message to startup to help people be aware about tall self disguises hiding by default
Another release? Wow!

* Added basic malware check for Lib's Disguises
* Fixed old versions of Minecraft not displaying player disguises properly
* Fixed some inheritance of dependencies for other plugins which was annoying them
* Added support for a future change in paper which breaks nms
This is a hotfix for an issue with custom disguises permissions and console
This is just a bugfix build

- Improves on startup times
- Fixed disabled methods not being lowercased
- Hidden a packet error when joining on 1.20.2
This release is all bugfixes and 1.20.2 support.
I will note that you may need to update ProtocolLib yourself,
However, Lib's Disguises should update the plugin. But you'll likely need to restart the server for it to take effect as it cannot do a live update.

Here's the changelog!
  • Fixed a minor issue with unexpected missing server setting
  • Fixed a small issue in skript with entity destroy packet
  • Fixed extended names in scoreboards not properly unregistering, and thus spamming the scoreboards with teams
  • Fixed nametag serialization adding the chatcolor white when it shouldn't have
  • Added all the newer entity poses, most of them probably won't do anything
  • Fixed player skins not updating on a live player disguise
  • Added 1.20.2 support
  • Made ProtocolLib updating smarter
This is simply a hotfix for a bug where a self disguises velocity would break for all versions, and throw errors for versions earlier than 1.19.3
This version marks several bugs fixed.

* Fixed some color codes not being applied for /grabskin
* Fixed /grabskin saving :skin as part of the skin name
* Fixed translation issue for saved disguises
* Fixed villager disguise level not being changeable
* Villager biome & level is now randomized on disguise
* Fixed an error not being caught properly
* Fixed a "Not premium" message being marked as a warning, not an info message
* Fixed /grabskin not working properly for weird file names
Welcome to the update for 1.19.4

  • Fixed riding horses error, no this doesn't mean you can control disguised horses
  • Fixed horses disguised as other horses not being controllable
  • Fixed issue where it could create a lag spike and spam for riding stuff disguised as a horse
  • Fixed some metadata issues for 1.12
  • Fixed Villager disguise not having items in commands auto complete
  • Minor text changes when updating ProtocolLib, so its more obvious what its doing
  • Fixed rainbow wool on sheep self disguises not working properly
  • Added 1.19.4 support
  • Added new DisabledDisguises config options, used to make certain disguises OP only. The new Display disguises are in here as they are easily abused
  • Fixed some pitch issues on misc disguises
  • Added new config option DisabledMethods, which disables methods that are prone to abuse. Eg, setYModifier
  • Fixed saved disguises not working properly in newer versions of Minecraft
  • Saved disguises are now saved on the entity itself, instead of using flatfile
  • Fixed fox disguise not saving the fox type
  • Added support to change the tablist name of a player disguise seperately from the player name
  • Fixed dropped item disguises floating into the air due to gravity conflicts
  • Added extended parameter support for disguises parsed from string.
  • All disguises can now be constructed without an argument
  • Certain disguises now accept the arguments where they didn't before, such as item frames.

  • The new disguise disguises now have default values to make them more usable. Such as text_display now being "center" not "fixed"
  • The defaults of the display disguises now have stone & "text display" to prevent invisibility. But this does not stop anyone from abusing the display disguises, they should be limited to trusted members.

  • Another attempted fix for velocity issues with self disguises and jumping twice, though it occurs to me that maybe it didn't fix
  • Armor and held items with enchantments that the client relies on, eg, riptide or swift sneak. Are no longer removed from self disguises.
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