JetsPrisonCells | CELLS | RANKS | PERMISSIONS | TEAM-MEMBERS | MORE | [1.8 - 1.20]

MC Plugin JetsPrisonCells | CELLS | RANKS | PERMISSIONS | TEAM-MEMBERS | MORE | [1.8 - 1.20] 2.7.0
An all in one, feature rich, Cell Plugin

[+] Added the command
/prisoncells rentlength <hours> <cellname> which can be used to set the initial cell rental time
[+] Bug fixes for Add Members
[+] Big performance optimisation, especially for lots of cells
[+] Various bug fixes/optimisations
[+] Fixed an issue with 1.20 being able to modify Prison Cell Signs
[+] Added support for 1.20
[+] Modified the API endpoint to retrieve a player name from a UUID
[+] Added the ability to set Custom Model Data in the gui.yml config

    title: "&ePurchase Cell"
    slots: 27
        material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE
        slot: -1 # -1 = filler
        name: " "
        lore: []
        action: NONE
        modeldata: 0 #SetCustomModelData for your item. Example of setting to 0 (null)
[+] Added the command /cell visit <cell> - Permission
[+] Bug fix for cell rental money
[+] Added support + Blocks for 1.19
[+] Added new placeholder %jetsprisoncells_cellowner_[CELLNAME]% - Returns the cell owner for that cell
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