ExcellentShop - 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop ✅ Oraxen, ItemsAdder! ⭐

MC Plugin ExcellentShop - 4 in 1 Multi-Currency Shop ✅ Oraxen, ItemsAdder! ⭐ 4.8.6
Static & Rotating GUI shops, ChestShop, Auction GUI in single plugin!

You must update NexEngine to install this update.

  • [Chest Shop] Support for 1.20.2 (Shop displays)
  • [Auction] Config option to disable listings of certain item models.
If you have any issues (errors), please update NexEngine

  • Preview option for virtual shop item products.
  • Config option to simplify the Sell GUI.

  • A bug, where /auction open command can not be run from console on players.
Fixed a few issues with some currency plugins.
[New] Rotating Shops! They are included to the Virtual Shop module and acts almost the same way. You select how many products will be used in rotations, set product rotation chances and shop rotation times/interval.

[Fixed] A bug, where new products throws an error when trying to edit them.
[Added] ChestShop config option for automatic Bank management (check out the config comments). Enabled by default.

Config option to toggle Auto Claim for sold items.
ChestShop Module:
Due to changes to the Bank system, it's recommended to do a backup of your /chest_shop/ folder in case if something go wrong.

[Added] Command '/chestshop bank' to view & manage your bank.

[Improved] Shop Bank was changed from per shop to per player. Now all player's shops will share the same bank linked to their owner. Players now can easily deposit/withdraw funds for/from all their shops instead of doing this one by one.

[Fixed] Improved stability & performance.
Please update to the latest NexEngine v2.2.11 (DOWNLOAD)

WARNING: Some messages with custom options (type, prefix, sound) or JSON components may become "broken" due to using the updated Engine format / parser. Please, correct your messages using this page.
  • Do backup of your ExcellentShop folder (just in case something go wrong after this update)
  • Inside /auction/menu/ folder remove 'Special' header from all menu config files (so all items will go under 'Content' one).
  • Inside /chest_shop/menu/ folder remove 'Editor' and 'Special' headers from all menu config files (so all items will go under 'Content' one).

[Added] Support for CoinsEngine. Consider using it over GamePoints/PlayerPoints.

[Improved] Currency handler. Now better handles and registers currencies from other plugins.
[Improved] Default Auction GUIs now has more modern style.

[Changed] Module folders are moved out of the '/modules/' sub-folder directly to the plugin folder.

[Fixed] A bug, where global product stock works incorrect for Virtual Shops.
>>> Update NexEngine

[Added] Support for 1.20.1

[Fixed] Virtual Shop product's price & stock data is properly synchronized from MySQL now when using on multiple servers.
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