EcoMobs ⭕ Create Custom Mobs ✅ Custom Mob AI ✨ Spawn Eggs, Totems, Custom Model Support

MC Plugin EcoMobs ⭕ Create Custom Mobs ✅ Custom Mob AI ✨ Spawn Eggs, Totems, Custom Model Support 10.4.1
Ultra-powerful and easy-to-use custom mobs made right in config

- Added aoe_blocks effect, works the same as aoe but affects blocks instead of entities
- Effects given to aoe and aoe_blocks now also have the location of the entity/block, useful to have particle animations etc
- Added beam AOE shape
- break_block effect now prevents re-triggering of other block mining effects (e.g. mine_radius)
- Fixed alt_click firing twice if clicking on a block
- Added location to consume trigger (allows more effects to be used on it)
- Added item data system, like item points but for strings: comes with two new effects (set_item_data, remove_item_data), and two new conditions (has_item_data, item_data_equals).
- Added %libreforge_item_data_<key>% placeholder to be used with items
- Added is_falling condition
- Added is_flying condition
- Added is_boss filter to replace only_bosses and only_non_bosses
- Fixed play_sound
- API: Improved SlotType to be more general-purpose
- Fixed deprecation messages not being sent. You may get warnings in console when updating, just update your configs with what the warnings say
- Fixed set_item_points not working in most situations
- Fixed set_custom_model_data not working in most situations
- Fixed item_durability_above and item_durability_below filters not always working as expected
- Fixed projectile_hit not working properly
- Added set_armor_trim effect (Thanks Sen!)
- Added vicitm_speed_multiplier (Thanks Sen!)
- Fixed AOE not working properly (Thanks Sen!)
- Fixed age_crop not working (Thanks Sen!)
- Removed "Effects >" prefix for cooldown, cost, and others
- Improved some default messages in lang.yml
- Added custom effect arguments, read here for more information:
- Fixed server crash bug
- (For debugging) Added ability to put libreforge.jar (with no version) into /plugins/libreforge/versions to force it to load
- (API) Added Effects.compileChain without specifying an executor
- Stopped shading minimessage, fixes bugs on 1.17
- Fixed brew trigger, again (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed custom run_order not working
- Added left_click_npc and right_click_npc triggers (Requires Citizens)
- Added npc filter (Requires Citizens)
- Added run_order argument to all effects to override the default order in which effects run. This isn't needed in most circumstances and may cause unintended behaviour if used incorrectly, however it can be used (for example) to make add_damage run before damage_multiplier.
- Fixed give_permission effect not working correctly
- Fixed error with bleed effect for non-paper users
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