EcoArmor ⭕ Create Custom Armor ✅ Premade Sets ✨ Upgrades, Crafting, Custom Textures

MC Plugin EcoArmor ⭕ Create Custom Armor ✅ Premade Sets ✨ Upgrades, Crafting, Custom Textures 8.58.0
The most advanced custom armor plugin.

- Fixed two errors with traceback and brew
- Another urgent hotfix
- Added elytra_boost_save_chance; chance to not consume a firework when boosting with an elytra
- Fixed damage_nearby_entities effect for base spigot users
- Added brew trigger
- Added smelt trigger
- API: Added ConfiguredCondition#runNotMetEffects
- Fixed warning with new truly-inline chain syntax
- Added not-met-effects to effect-specific conditions; a set of effects to be run when the trigger is activated but the conditions aren't met for that specific effect. Read more here:
- Added smite effect; like strike_lightning but damages a victim rather than a location; and you can specify the damage (and have it be silent)
- Fixed set_velocity and multiply_velocity effects not working correctly / not at all
- Removed broken fly_speed_multiplier effect; use movement_speed_multiplier and in_air instead.
- Added shorthand run_chain_inline; specify effects: [] instead of effects in a chain block..
- Added camelCase and nospaces to config getting; you can now specify parameters with underscore_separators, hyphen-separators, camelCaseSeparators, and unspacedseparators.
- Added knockback_resistance_multiplier
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