DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐

MC Plugin DailyRewards+ | ⭐ The #1 Daily Rewards Plugin! ⭐ 1.3.3
Boost your player retention with fully customisable Daily Rewards!

DailyRewards+ | V1.3.3

DailyRewards+ V1.3.3 brings some new requested features to the table whilst also boosting our performance and fixing a number of reported bugs!

1. Ability to Block Worlds from Reminder Message: With new Config.yml's you can utilise the field DailyRewardReminderBlacklistedWorlds to organise a list of worlds that should not send the reward reminder message to the users within it.
Note: You do not need to generate a new Config.yml if you feel this feature would not benefit your server.

2. Huge SQL Fix and Performance Improvements: We identified a large issue in recent weeks meaning that servers with high volumes of new players joining could crash if they were using our SQL system.
This issue has been resolved, and we've also taken the time to improve the performance of the system overall.

3. Bug Fixes: We've identified some minor bugs in the plugin and squashed them!
Thanks to our community for pointing some of these out.

4. Performance Improvements: The plugins performance has been improved in certain areas. This should provide a smoother user experience for everyone and reduce the strain put on the server CPU.​
DailyRewards+ | V1.3.3

DailyRewards+ V1.3.3 brings some new requested features to the table whilst also boosting our performance and fixing a number of reported bugs!

1. Ability to Block Worlds from Reminder Message: With new Config.yml's you can utilise the field DailyRewardReminderBlacklistedWorlds to organise a list of worlds that should not send the reward reminder message to the users within it.
Note: You do not need to generate a new Config.yml if you feel this feature would not benefit your server.

2. Huge SQL Fix and Performance Improvements: We identified a large issue in recent weeks meaning that servers with high volumes of new players joining could crash if they were using our SQL system.
This issue has been resolved, and we've also taken the time to improve the performance of the system overall.

3. Bug Fixes: We've identified some minor bugs in the plugin and squashed them!
Thanks to our community for pointing some of these out.

4. Performance Improvements: The plugins performance has been improved in certain areas. This should provide a smoother user experience for everyone and reduce the strain put on the server CPU.
DailyRewards+ | V1.3.2

DailyRewards+ V1.3.2 is another massive update. We've added more features, fixed more bugs, and listened to the communities feedback!

1. Improved in-configuration Custom Model Data: All icon fields within the Config.yml and Rewards.yml file now allow you to specify the custom model data code directly, without having to use /daily edit!
To do this, use the following format: "Material:ModelData"
For example, if you need an apple with custom model data 50, you could use: "APPLE:50"

2. Re-Written SQL Handling: We've completely re-written how we connect and utilise MySQL in our plugin (hence the drastic file size increase).
This update is crucial (especially for small servers) as it increases the stability of the connection when few requests are made as well as improves the overall performance of SQL within DailyRewards+.

3. Adjusted Sound Configurations: You can now specify the pitch and volume of the sound (in new configs) - updating your config for this is non-mandatory. You're more than welcome to use the older system.

4. Increased Reward Reminder Customisability: You can now choose whether the reward reminder message should actually be clickable to bring up the GUI (in new configs) - updating your config for this is non-mandatory. You're more than welcome to use the older system.

5. Added a New PAPI Placeholder: If you choose to update your Messages.yml file (non-mandatory), you'll be able to benefit from our new PAPI placeholder: %daily_remaining_time_compressed%
This placeholder allows you to show the remaining time for a reward in a compressed form (perfect for side scoreboards).
i.e., if a user has "12 Hours, 30 Minutes, 48 Seconds" until their reward, the compressed form would just show "12 Hours"

6. Performance Boosts & Bug Fixes: The plugin has improved in performance and a few reported bugs have been resolved.
DailyRewards+ | V1.3.0.5

DailyRewards+ V1.3.0.5 is our final bug patch for the V1.3.0 series. It is one of the most stable builds of DailyRewards+ to date.

We would highly recommend all users to update to this version!

It's also important to note that this update lays some framework for the release of V1.3.1, this will bring a suite of new features to your server!
This update fixes some issues regarding the Config.yml setting 'ResetWhenStreakCompleted', if you have this setting set to false, we recommend updating to this version.
Additionally, some performance improvements have been included!

If you have already updated to V1.3.0 or above, you will not need to regenerate your Config.yml file.
If you are updating to this from version V1.2.9 (or older), you will still need to delete your old Config.yml and allow for a new one to be generated
This update addresses some issues with generating DailyRewards+ GUIs as well as saving/loading data from a MySQL database.

If you have already updated to V1.3.0 or above, you will not need to regenerate your Config.yml file.
If you are updating to this from version V1.2.9 (or older), you will still need to delete your old Config.yml and allow for a new one to be generated
This is a very quick update to fix some small bugs regarding player play-time as well as the leaderboard placeholder system.

If you have already updated to V1.3.0 or above, you will not need to regenerate your Config.yml file.
If you are updating to this from version V1.2.9 (or older), you will still need to delete your old Config.yml and allow for a new one to be generated
DailyRewards+ V1.2.9 is a massive update which remodels some of our core structures and lays the foundation for V1.3.0!

1. Remodelled the PlayTime feature. You won't need to do anything for this change to take affect, it will happen automatically.
We changed the PlayTime system to require users to reach that PlayTime requirement every day in order to claim a reward... because it makes more sense than reaching it once and having all future rewards (for a Daily Rewards plugin)!

2. Reward AutoClaim functional update. If you make use of our Reward AutoClaim system, the plugin can now award players whilst they are in the server (with a buffer time delay to prevent lag). This is a great addition as the old system would only check when a player joined.

3. Fixed a crucial PAPI bug. This bug meant that servers which weren't using PlaceholderAPI could encounter GUI menus which load incorrectly, this is no longer the case! Apologies if this caused any inconvenience.

4. Debug command. We now have a debug command which allows you to record the plugins functionality. This command is not publicly listed but may be utilised when receiving high quality support from our Discord Support Server!

5. Additional Bug Fixes. Thank you to all the discord and spigot members who pointed out issues within the plugin, this update should patch them.

6. Performance Boosts. The plugin has received a suite of performance boosts, ranging from GUI loading to PlayTime logging. This should be noticeable in most servers!

DailyRewards+ | V1.2.8

DailyRewards+ V1.2.8 helps you take your plugin's customizability and compatibility to the next level!

1. Added the ability to disable the item count (indicating day number) from the reward GUI.
To modify this setting you will need to regenerate your config... **BUT** if you feel like you don't want to disable item quantity day counts, there's no need to regenerate the config at this moment in time.

2. Added PAPI support for the `RewardName` fields within the `Rewards.yml` file

3. Updated some internal libraries that provide some compatibility fixes and performance boosts when using features such as PAPI within the plugin

4. Additional Bug Fixes​
DailyRewards+ | V1.2.7

DailyRewards+ V1.2.7 includes a range of new bug fixes as well as a new permission node feature!

1. Added the daily.resetbypass permission node. This permission node will allow users to bypass their streak from resetting if they miss a day!
Pro Tip: This works great as a paid rank feature!

2. Added a new PAPI placeholder! You can now use the PAPI placeholder %daily_total_streak% to get the total number of days that the streak has been continuously running (cumulates even when they reach the end of the streak period and it loops back).
i.e., if a player finishes the 30-day screen twice without missing a day, the placeholder would show 60

3. Updated the /daily setstreak command so that it doesn't break when you input a number greater than the streak limit, it just loops back around.
This also updates the previously mentioned total streak placeholder to the number you input.

4. Additional Bug Fixes/Performance Boosts
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