CMI - 300+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!

MC Plugin CMI - 300+ Commands/Insane Kits/Portals/Essentials/Economy/MySQL & SqLite/Much More!
For 1.7.10 - 1.21.x Over 300 must have commands/features for your server!

  • Small fix relating to Folia server on plugin startup when trying to unload player data
  • Small fix for issue with Folia servers while performing alias command
  • Added new specialized command conditional check as contains:value1=>value2! which will check if value1 contains value2, for example contains:$1=>$! would mean that we are checking if first variable from your input contains $ in it. Alternatively you can look for specific words like contains:$1=>stone! and if player performs command where first variable is enderstone then it will detect it as valid option
  • New variables for specialized command exactitem and hasexactitem which will check for exact items by provided criteria. This can be used to avoid picking items with custom names when you only want to check for clean items, so now you can pick coal itemstack while having another one with custom item name set. More control over which stack is getting picked.
  • New variable for clear command as -exact to only clear specific items, in this case you can remove all clean coal item stacks while keeping ones which have custom name set
  • Fix for an error relating to portal processing
  • Item one liner received new variable which will help to set items max durability for commands like give. Example: /cmi give DiamondSword;maxdurability{99999} will give diamond sword with durability of 99999 this only applies to 1.21+ servers
  • Item one liner received new variable which will help to set items durability for commands like give. Example: /cmi give DiamondSword;durability{420} will give diamond sword with durability of 420/1561. If maxdurability and durability variables are used, use them in a correct order where max comes before actual durability in case you will want to set durability higher than default one. Alternatively you can set current and max durability in one go with something like /cmi give DiamondSword;durability{420/9999}. This only starts working with CMILib latest version.
  • Partial fix for some holograms not appearing when you have quite few to be loaded in at same time. More investigation is needed to flush out core cause of this, but now you should experience way less of the instances where some of the holograms not appear if you have bunch of those in one place, like spawn.
  • Fix for small inconsistency between %cmi_user_balance_formated% and %cmi_baltop_money_[1-10]% returning
  • Fix for floating icons on holograms not appearing when using old display method on newer servers
  • Added option to have different afk auto kick out timers based on online player count, so you can for example lower kick out timers if your server is full while keeping longer timers if its at out of peak times.
  • Fix for a bug relating to bossbar messages when defining time and providing custom update interval which could have multiplied timer
  • Change/update for custom alias handling. Now there is option to set alias to be exact aka if you provide additional variables than it is present in alias itself then it will not be used. Additionally alias which ends with " _" will indicate that it should be used when base alias is used with an extra variable, what this means is that you can have different commands being triggered when you perform same alias with and without any additional variable.
    For example
    - cmi heal
    Exact: true
  kit _:
    - cmi kit $1
In this case performing "/kit" will heal player, while performing something like "/kit newbie" will perform "cmi kit newbie"
  • Fix for totem cooldown issue where inventory would not have been dropped in failed/canceled totem consumption
  • Added support for multiple commands per scheduler command line, you can define different commands by separating each one with ;; this will allow you to have multiple commands being triggered when you randomize it instead of it being limited to only one command which was limiting its usability
  • Fix for an issue with ban command on paper type servers
  • Fix/update/improvement for hasitem! item! while using specialized commands which now instead of comparing NBT data will comparate name, lore and custom model data. This fixes some of the issues where items with extra data on them producing different NBT data while still being valid picks, for example looking for item by material only and having item with custom name would have produced invalid match, now providing less criteria in check itself will have more loose lookup for the item, so providing only material name will pick first item based on that material, providing custom name will look for the item based on material and its name ignoring anything else. Same thing goes with lore and custommodel data
  • Fix for mobs still spawning around afk player if you (second player) got there in spectator mode
  • Adjustment for bossbar command handling when creating until relog lasting bossbar messages
  • Fix for an error while using sign elevators on Folia server
  • Added option to disable teleport invulnerability in case player interacts, places or breaks blocks. Invulnerability should only apply if player isn't doing something active besides moving around to get out of dangerous situation
  • Moved player and mob head drop settings from Combat.yml to CustomHeads.yl file to be more obvious and specifically for mob heads options to be on same file as their actual drop chance definitions
  • Added option to scavenge items without valid recipes for those items if they have enchantments we could extract, so now you can do scavenge on chainmail with enchants. This feature is disabled by default.
  • Added option to disable damage from the player who is currently afk, this will prevent players from using autoclickers when they are still being placed into afk mode but can still attack, well, no more. Enabled by default.
  • Improvement for ban's speed on 1.21+ servers when you are banning player who never joined server
  • Fix for recipe command when it comes to items using transmute crafting recipe, this is currently mainly for bundles
  • Fix for an error message when trying to perform /cmi sound command on older server versions
  • Fix for an error message in some cases when performing mirror command
  • Fix for custom alias tab complete handling when you have custom alias with multiple keywords separate by spaces
  • Fix for a bug relating to interactive commands and Citizens plugin losing its NPC records in some specific situations
  • Update to support 1.21.4 servers, don't forget to update CMILib
  • Extra protection for custom alias with additional variables defined with something like $1 to not accept placeholders
  • Fix for small issue with specialized command checking if player has an item while checking for specific item by specific items NBT data, this was an issue with 1.21+ servers
  • New placeholder as %cmi_iteminhand_maxdurability% which returns items max durability
  • New placeholder as %cmi_iteminhand_custommodeldata% which returns items custom model data ID
  • Fix for an error message with Folia servers relating to hp bossbar
  • Fix for an issue where one time prewards would not have been available in some instances
  • Adjustment for Alias.yml file saving to address potential issue where in some cases it would have reverted to previous state and not to new one
  • Fix for rare error on hp bossbar usage
  • Fix for an error message if you have gradient set for chat messages and message contains $ \ {} or similar things in it
  • Fix for an error while showing portal effects in some instances
  • Improved players free slot detection when using kits and you don't want to drop items on ground in case inventory is full. Now its properly takes into account items which should be placed at players armor slots. In this case if its possible then item will be placed into players base inventory, if this isn't possible then kit will not be given to avoid loosing of items which could happen if dropping items on the ground in case of full inventory is disabled.
  • Fix for a possible issue with one time use kits being accessible for player more than once in some instances
  • Separated IncludeVictim option in combat file where now we have separate options for PvP and PvE type combat
  • Fix for an error message when trying to teleport to invalid world
  • Fix for error message when running random teleportation on older versions
  • Quick fix to address error message in some instances for 1.21.3 servers
  • Quick fix for an error on Folia servers relating to hp boss bar
  • Fix for autorecharge command always showing same feedback message
  • Fix relating to silent chest handling
  • Fix for an error when resetting dback location
  • Fix for an issue where custom command sender would not have been recognized due to capitalization
  • Fix for small issue with autorecharge state saving into database
  • Few changes for autorecharge command handling. Now performing it without any variable will output current state of exp and money recharging. Repeated command with provided recharge mode will toggle it on/off instead of just enabling it.
  • Improved performance when tabcompleting material names
  • Now material names for give command will have each words first letter in upper case for better readability
  • Improved performance of colorpicker command
  • Fix for point command being able to point towards player you can't see
  • Improved player detection when he enters portal area on high speeds. Keep in mind that if you have setup involving possible high velocities, like falling for 200 blocks, then server only updates player location every 2-3 blocks due to increased velocity, so always have thick enough portal area to properly "grab" player. Generally avoid having 1 block thick horizontal portals as those could be relatively easily "skipped"
  • Fix for small issue where homes are being displayed at wrong set slot which was by one off and could have been placed on another "page" without you being able to actually navigate to it
  • Now custom text supports directories in its file structure for better organization. So if you had any custom text in directories before, to have them in "disable" mode, those will get loaded in, so adjust accordingly, and I mean that now you will either need to move them out into different root directory or to have them hidden as a settings option. Do we need option to disable custom texts?
  • Added extra variable for effect command as infinite which will set effects time to highest possible. This isn't actual infinitely working effect, as we can't have those without additional code constantly tracking players, but it will set to high enough timer for it to be infinite'ish.
  • Fix relating to attribute handling which effected armor stand editor and few other things
  • Fix for custom alias not updating if you modified file and didn't use ingame editor and then reloaded plugin
  • Shortened/limited command lines to 50 characters in alias editor preview to avoid having huge mess if you have long and complicated commands. This is only visual thing in editor.
  • Addressing issue with some errors on older server relating to biome recognition. Some additional work will be needed to get all systems up and running fully.
  • Fix for new spawner drop chance decrees feature not working fully when you don't have linear lowering enabled.
  • Split of back and dback blacklisted world lists.
  • General change in how blacklisted worlds are handled by back and dback. Now we will avoid recording those locations in those worlds instead of blocking teleportation to it, which will produce more consistent results independent from where you are teleporting. Keep in mind that dying in blacklisted world will remove any death location records, while teleporting in one would only prevent override of existing, so you can still go back to a allowed world even if you performed multiple teleportations in blacklisted world.
  • Added separate back button for homes GUI
  • Added new command to gift pets to others. Command /cmi giftpet [playerName] (-s) this will change pets owner. Regular users can only gift pets they are owners of, users with cmi.command.giftpet.bypass can give pets they do not own, same permission allows you to even tame/gift untamed animals.
  • New option for options GUI to block pet gifts to you, because we all know what players would do if they are left with unlimited power.
  • New command as /cmi releasepet which allows you to untame animals. By default you can only do this on your owned animals, this can be bypassed with cmi.command.releasepet.bypass No more animal cruelty,you can free them without harming them!
  • Fix for small issue where player would have remained flying after being teleported close to the ground.
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