BetterRTP-Addons | Add extra features to BetterRTP!

MC Plugin BetterRTP-Addons | Add extra features to BetterRTP! 1.8.9
Add premium features to the BetterRTP - Wild plugin!

- Fixed - Portals would try to continuously teleport players in certain conditions
- Added - A way to manually assemble world slots for players in the RTPMenu, by disabling the new `AutoCenter` option and setting a `Slot` in each world node you can now manually assemble the worlds when executing `/rtp` when the RTPMenu addon is enabled! Thanks to vexoi on Discord
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Reactions: Momi3xd
- Added - A way to manually assemble world slots for players in the RTPMenu, by disabling the new `AutoCenter` option and setting a `Slot` in each world node you can now manually assemble the worlds when executing `/rtp` when the RTPMenu addon is enabled! Thanks to vexoi on Discord
- Fixed - `/rtp party` command would not register, product of the recent infinite loading bug. Thanks to Domzzo#5443 on discord!
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