Anti Alt Account | Prevent Hackers From Joining Your Server

MC Plugin Anti Alt Account | Prevent Hackers From Joining Your Server Phase 35
Consistently Developed Since Year 2021

Implemented support for java 8 for as long as it remains possible. Please update your servers, this is nothing but a temporary solution that only some of my plugins will receive.
Adjusted the descriptions of the inventory menus
Implemented some additional menu performance improvements
Added support 1.19 Minecraft servers.
Updated a faulty website URL.
Corrected an issue that would cause the plugin to disable.
  1. Removed the “awareness_notifications” & “non_console_command” options via settings.yml.
  2. Removed the Error utilities and included their functionality in the Awareness Notifications feature.
  3. Noticeably improved the String utilities with recent & new methods.
  4. Implemented a shorter version of the reload command.
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