No config changes.
- Updated to Minecraft 1.20.6.
- Rewrote and improved the version helper.
- Added an extra check before getting the IP's country data to only attempt to get the data if GeoLite2 is enabled.
- Added UUID support for whitelist/blacklist.
- Added checking for fraud score on IPQualityScore which can help prevent some pesky late detections. If you wish to retain the previous behaviour then change the new setting to 100 but it's not needed nor recommended.
No config changes.
- Updated dependencies.
- Moved to use new modern bungeecord methods (Make sure to update BungeeCord).
No config changes.
- Fixed Aegis not resetting it's counter in some cases.
No config changes.
- Changed the invalid config warning message to be every 3 hours instead of every hour.
- Future-proofed hashset sizes.