VoidTeleport+ | Falling into the void

MC Plugin VoidTeleport+ | Falling into the void 3.5.3
Many different ways to teleport when fall in the void, such as at spawn point. Choose yours now!



VoidTeleport+ adds a new feature on
your Minecraft server! Do you want to
prevent players' death when they fall
into the void? Find out lots of modes
to manage players falls into the void.


⬤ Teleport back a player from the void, avoiding deaths
Fully customizable in-game chat or actionbar messages
Set the layer by where the player should be teleported
Coordinates settable with in-game command or config.yml
Choose enabled worlds where the plugin should work
Keep-inventory option on teleport
⬤ Player damage on teleport
Particles and sounds when players get teleported
Execute custom commands
6 different modes
when a player falls into the void
Bungee support to teleport a player to another server
WorldGuard regions support
PlaceholderAPI support
Also mobs you are riding now get teleported
⬤ Nether teleporting system when a player tries to go on the roof of the world (bedrock level)
Now supports 1.20 version


1. Download the plugin from Spigot and place the VoidTeleport.jar file in your plugins folder.

2. Restart your server to generate the configurations, or use any other way to load the plugin, such as PlugMan.

3. Run the in-game command /VoidTeleport setspawn <worldname> in the location where you want fallen players to be teleported, or customize manually the database.yml file in your /plugins/VoidTeleport/ folder.

4. The plugin is already working, but you can also customize other features from configuration files and then run /VoidTeleport reload.

5. Enjoy the plugin!


➤ voidteleport.use -
Allow player teleport
➤ voidteleport.help - Access to info command
voidteleport.list - Allow players to execute /vt list
voidteleport.toggle - Allow players to execute /vt toggle
voidteleport.mode - Choose the mode to use on void teleport
voidteleport.offset - World 'Y' layer after where it teleport
voidteleport.setspawn - Allows staff to configure coords
voidteleport.setcommand - Configure a command to be executed on void teleport
➤ voidteleport.setdirection - Set teleport direction
voidteleport.keepinventory - Allows staff to enable or disable keep inventory
voidteleport.server - Configure in which server the player should be teleported if Bungee mode is on
voidteleport.region - Add or remove a region from the plugin whitelist
voidteleport.damage - Set the player damage on teleport.
voidteleport.nether - Manage nether teleporting system
voidteleport.reload - Reload the config through the ingame command

To be able to use any of the following commands you can also use the permission voidteleport.admin.

⬤ /voidteleport (alias /vt) -
List all commands
/voidteleport list - List of worlds where VoidTeleport is enabled
/voidteleport toggle [worldname] - Enable/Disable the VoidTeleport in a selected world
/voidteleport setspawn [worldname] - Set the spawnpoint of the given world
/voidteleport mode <worldname> <type> - Set the mode of void teleport
/voidteleport direction <worldname> <up/down> - Set whether the plugin should teleport when the player jumps downward or rises upward
/voidteleport offset <worldname> <y-coords> - Set the y coords after where a player should be teleported
/voidteleport setcommand <worldname> <console/player> <command> - Configure the custom command
Placeholders: %player %uuid %world %x %y %z
/voidteleport keepinventory <worldname> [true/false] - Enable or disable the option to keep inventory or not
/voidteleport server <worldname> <servername> - Enable Bungee server mode
/voidteleport region <add/remove> <world> [region] - Add or remove a region from the plugin whitelist
/voidteleport damage <worldname> <number> - Set the player damage on teleport.
/voidteleport nether <worldname> [true/false] - Manage nether teleporting system
/voidteleport reload - Reload the config
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
3.5.3 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)
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