TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X

MC Plugin TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X 5.1
The best TownyGUI Plugin on Spigot! Allow your players to use Towny with ease!


Ever since I started my server 1.8.6+, I was tired of having to send players to my website so they could look up simple Towny commands, Why should it take them so long just to set town spawn or toggle explosions in a town.

Now with this plugin players will no longer have to leave your server to look up simple commands, Its all in their hands at the click of a mouse!

Originally going to be a private plugin, We decided that other servers should benefit from this plugin to, Players were more than happy with this, Most players that were new to Towny said they prefer the GUI over being sent a link. With the public version of this plugin being released, More customizable features have been implemented! As more features will always come that will enable you to expand your GUI's!

What makes this plugin different?
You can now edit the Item on display.
Add Enchantment Glows.
Add Lore.
Modify GUI Chest Size.
Modify Item Slot.
Modify Item Name.
Modify Item.
Modify Item MetaData.
Modify Command On Click.
Enable / Disable GUI Signs
and much much more!

Spoiler: Versions:
This plugin now supports 1.7.10 - 1.18!

NOTE: 1.7.10 Cauldron users, Use Version 2.6Cauldron - Unsupported!

townygui.* | OP - Full access to the plugin

/tgui | EVERYONE - Main command.

/tgui <GUI Name>

townygui.command.* | Access to all /tgui commands

/tgui main | townygui.command.mainmenu | OP - Opens Main Menu.

/tgui town | townygui.command.townmenu | OP - Opens Town Menu.

/tgui towny | townygui.command.townymenu | OP - Opens Towny Menu.

/tgui plot | townygui.command.plotmenu | OP - Opens Plot Menu.

/tgui resident | townygui.command.residentmenu | OP - Opens Resident Menu.

/tgui nation | townygui.command.nationmenu | OP - Opens Nation Menu.

/tgui townyworld | townygui.command.townyworldmenu | OP - Opens TownyWorld Menu.

/tgui reload | townygui.admin.reload | OP - Reload the configs.

/tgui version | townygui.admin.version | OP - Check your version.

Create All GUI Signs: townygui.signs.*

Create Main Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.main

Create Town Menu GUI Sign:

Create Towny Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.towny

Create Plot Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.plot

Create Resident Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.resident

Create Nation Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.nation

Create TownyWorld Menu GUI Sign: townygui.signs.townyworld


Line 1: [townygui]
Line 2: {Leave blank}
Line 3: <{GUI} Menu> Menu
Line 4: {Leave blank}

To use signs, You must have the permission to perform the command!
EG: To use a Town Menu sign, You must have the permission to do /tgui town​
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
5.1 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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Minecraft Is Better With Plugins

TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X is the ultimate Minecraft plugin to take your next project to new heights. Increase the quality of your Minecraft server gameplay by downloading it for free!

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  • Enhanced gameplay features for more fun and excitement.
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