⚔️ ReviveMe 1.14 - 1.20.6 | No Dependencies

MC Plugin ⚔️ ReviveMe 1.14 - 1.20.6 | No Dependencies 3.9.4
Revive your friends!. No dependencies | MySQL | RGB | All customizable!✅

[ x ] Fixed a bug that caused the plugin to take a long time to load

[ / ] Now the options where it is possible to use PlaceholderAPI in actions.yml will be used.

[ !!! ] In the support discord they will be raffling off 10 reviveme licenses totally free!
[ / ] Changed how Weapon Mechanics compatibility works to affect the priority settings found in config.yml
[ x ] Fixed a compatibility bug with GSit.
[ + ] Added a compatibility option for plugins/purpur that use inventory totems.
[ + ] added new option in downed_interacs.yml
#Allow break with specific blocks
  enabled: false
  #togle with: Blacklist/Whitelist
  mode: WhiteList
 - "bed_bed"
[ x ] fixed error with lasted minecraft version
[ + ] added command: /rm setrespawn - sets the place where players appear if they died downed.
[ + ] If you have the option to revive in exchange for an item and the item was in the secondary hand it was not removed.
[ + ] Added MCPets to reviveme dependencies so it loads sooner.
[ + ] Added a new function to wait for a while to execute the next line. here an example:
  enabled: true
    - '[broadcast] hello'
    - '[delay] 120'
    - '[broadcast] hello :)'

the "Hello" broadcast will be sent immediately as long as everything is below "[delay] 120"
It will be executed 120 ticks later.
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