Ouldhana the Bloody Queen | Boss, Hat, Sword and Schematic

Weapons & Tools Bosses Ouldhana the Bloody Queen | Boss, Hat, Sword and Schematic LATEST
Ouldhana the Bloody Queen by Baphomet's Guild

via Sketchfab   right-click | move   left-click | rotate

ezgif.com-webp-to-png (7).png

This pack contains
  1. Ouldhana model with 25 animations.
  2. Ouldhana ritual model and Ouldhana Tentacles model with 10 animations.
  3. Ouldhana Hat and Sword model.
  4. Mobs.yml, Skills.yml and Items.yml with +1000 lines of configuration.
  5. Ouldhana schematic.
  6. Basic CustomModelData setup for Ouldhana hat and sword.
  7. readme.txt (how to install)
  8. Free support.
Tested on
  1. Spigot/Paper 1.19.4
  2. MythicMobs Premium v5.3.5
  3. ModelEngine r3.1.8
  4. WorldEdit (to load the .schem)
Extra info
  1. In skills.yml file the lines of the damage and titles are indicated so that they can be modified.
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
LATEST Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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Ouldhana the Bloody Queen | Boss, Hat, Sword and Schematic is the perfect Minecraft Model to take your Minecraft server to the next level. Enhance your Minecraft server gameplay by downloading it for free!

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