☄️ Oraxen | Add items, blocks, armors, hats, food, furnitures, plants and GUI | [1.18-1.20.4]

MC Plugin ☄️ Oraxen | Add items, blocks, armors, hats, food, furnitures, plants and GUI | [1.18-1.20.4] 1.174.0
Create custom stuff, automatically generate, compress, protect and upload your resourcepack!

Here is a hotfix which removes the extended ids of notblocks, it caused incompatibility with older versions. We will wait before implementing it to not break existing stuff.
Hey there,

Here is a new bugfixes update from Boy:
- Fix dupe with Backpack mechanic related to keepinv
- Fix issues related to Directional blocks
- Add option to set the row-count, menu-glyph and overlay-glyph of `/oraxen inventory` command
- Add SettingsUpdater to automatically move old configs to new paths, and keeping potential changes
- Add setting to make all recipes a player has permission for be shown in the recipe book
- Make it easier to access changeDurability method of DurabilityMechanic
- Fixes textures not located inside Minecraft namespace not properly being added to atlas file
- Fix nullpointers relevant to renaming items in anvils
- Improve error feedback when Polymath server is down

I know there there has been issues with polymath recently. I am working on deploying a new infrastructure capable of handling much more resource packs. This should be good in a few days.

Have a great day,
- Add experimental settings to merge imported base_item and font json files
* Both are false by default.
* Useful if you want to import packs that would otherwise cause duplication errors
* Over time this will change and be made the default, for now it is experimental
- Add /oraxen blockinfo command
- Add is_falling property to NoteBlock mechanic
* Lets you simulate sand type physics where block will fall if nothing is beneath it
- Add support for using Tags in recipes
* Supports any minecraft ur custom registered tag
* Can not be done through the ingame builder, config only
- Add experimental config auto-updater
- Fix backpacks loosing content due to auto_updater
- Add settings to disable generation of custom armor shaders and textures
* Ment for those who want to manually do all of this themselves
- Fix debug-spam related to PlotSquared
- General code improvements
Here is a quickfix from boy to remove debug messages when placing a noteblock-mechanic block. This also fixes an issue with ItemUpdater and applying enchantments.
- Add /oraxen dump_log command
* Uploads logfile with resourcepack links removed
- Setting to exclude files with specific extensions from being included in the final Pack
- Fix issue with editing written books that are not signed
- Fix custom recipes not respecting permissions
- Add toggle for sign formatting
- Fix HappyHUD font issues
- Fix debug spam related to PlotSquared
- Fix Crops being inproperly removed and duplicating
- Entirely redo PackConverter
- Tweak pack duplication merger
- Add INV_CLICK to Custom Mechanic
- Fix inconsistent disabling of custom armor repair
- Fix custom armor not being enchantable in anvils
- Add PlotSquared Compatibility
- Fix printglyph command tab-completion not showing glyphnames
- Format all glyphs and tags when used in any plugin
* Meaning that Oraxen will handle "<red>SomeText</red><glyph:some_glyph_id>
* Will work even if the plugin for Inventory/Title does not support Adventure-tags or Oraxen
* Supports legacy coloring but as always heavily recommend to use tags instead
- Add `glowing` property to furniture (GlowItemFrame as a base)
- Add option to disable formatting inside specific containers.
* Can disable for inventories/titles/actionbars/anvils
- Minor fixes for 1.19.3 pack converter
- Fix glyphs sometimes breaking due to PackConverter
- Add setting to make autogenerated models follow the texture-path
* Note that this means default block configs need their mechanic-model property updated
- 1.19.3 preliminary support
* Oraxen now loads on 1.19.3 servers, but still recommend sticking to 1.19.2 if you can
- Fix some cases where 1.19.3 Pack Conversion would fail and prevent the plugin from loading
- Fix animated textures(mcmeta files) not being converted to 1.19.3 format
- "Fix" animated custom armor
* Shader compatible versions will not be animated at the moment and only display a static version
- Add option to disable resourcepack being resent when using the reload command
- Fix Block-mechanic place/break sounds

I wish you a merry christmas and I hope you will enjoy the plugin.
- Fix duplication issue with 1.19.3 Pack Converter
- Merge duplicate files imported from other ResourcePacks
* Reads these jsons, migrates them into itemconfigs before Pack Generation starts
- Fix projectiles breaking barrier furniture in certain scenarios
- Properly handle furniture removal on plugins cancelling API Events
- Add check for custom armor generation to avoid items following namepattern but not being custom armor
* Meaning having an item named something_helmet but it is a 3D model and not a 2d custom armor helmet
This update contains a temporary fix regarding changes to 1.19.3 Resourcepack changes, leading to missing item/block textures for players on 1.19.3 Mojang changed how they load these textures. Oraxen now internally generates what is called an "atlas" and moves all item and block textures to the required location. No change is needed on the servers end, as it is all handled automatically before the final zipped pack is generated and sent to players. More info on how server owners might want to update their RP structure will come when this new format is more documented. But in short, items go inside textures/items, block textures inside block/textures, and oraxen also supports textures inside textures/oraxen for both items and blocks. ModelEngine textures by default go inside textures/entity, which oraxen also supports Regarding 1.19.3, there does not seem to be any major changes leading to broken mechanics, but this is not a full 1.19.3 support. As Spigot/Paper come with fixes and are considered stable, a full 1.19.3 support for Oraxen will be released. In the meantime we advice sticking to 1.19.2, but the plugin should load and work fine on 1.19.3
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