EcoMobs ⭕ Create Custom Mobs ✅ Custom Mob AI ✨ Spawn Eggs, Totems, Custom Model Support

MC Plugin EcoMobs ⭕ Create Custom Mobs ✅ Custom Mob AI ✨ Spawn Eggs, Totems, Custom Model Support 10.4.1
Ultra-powerful and easy-to-use custom mobs made right in config

- Added jump option to pull_to_location
- Fixed set_block effect
- Fixed leave_region trigger
- Added %location_x%, %location_y%, %location_z%, and %location_world% placeholders (shorthand: %x%, %y%, %z%, %world%)
- Added /libreforge reloadextensions command
- Fixed repeats not working correctly
- Fixed elytra_boost_save_chance
- Reworked holder loading, duplicate holders will now load properly
- Fixed ignite effect errors
- Added item_durability_multiplier effect
- Fixed DefaultArtifactVersion not existing for 1.17 users
- Improved exception handling and error logging on reload / startup
- Fixed legacy chains.yml's not working
- Fixed spawn_entity effect being marked as permanent
- Fixed static trigger
- Fixed all effects with runnables
- Added launch-at-location option to shoot and shoot_arrow
- Fixed points placeholder
- Fixed spawn_mobs effect being considered permanent (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Fixed AOE effects compiling wrong (Thanks OfTeN!)
- Added holder placeholders
- And added %text%, %string%, and %message% to access the TEXT parameter in placeholders
We've updated from libreforge v3 to v4!
libreforge is the system that powers all of the effects in my plugins, and the v4 update is a total rewrite from the ground up to make your effects faster, more flexible, and more powerful!

So what's new?
- libreforge 4 installs itself as a standalone plugin, making libreforge 4 up to 11 times faster
- One unified API for all libreforge plugins; it's easier than ever to create extensions and make your own custom Effects/Conditions/Triggers, etc
- Streamlined project setup for developers with the new libreforge gradle plugin, and no more boilerplate config / lang / chains / etc. This also comes with a move to rather than jitpack!
- Native support for CompileData, Chains, etc.
- Ability to actually access and modify the item / entity that provides effects; in the future it will be possible to change the actual item damage etc.
- Streamlined configuration found at /plugins/libreforge instead of having 11 different lrcdb.yml's, etc. config.yml and lang.yml are simpler now too!
- Massively improved performance and stability
- Tons of bugfixes

Will my configs break?
No! All your configs will still work exactly as they did before, it's just a new engine under the hood to bring them to life.

As you can see - I'm absolutely thrilled about this update and the possibilities it's going to bring in the future. It's been over 2 months in the making and I've never been happier to publish a release!
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