EcoArmor ⭕ Create Custom Armor ✅ Premade Sets ✨ Upgrades, Crafting, Custom Textures

MC Plugin EcoArmor ⭕ Create Custom Armor ✅ Premade Sets ✨ Upgrades, Crafting, Custom Textures 8.58.1
The most advanced custom armor plugin.

- Added new `Dispatcher` interface. A dispatcher can represent a Player, Entity, Block, or even the Server.
- Holders (e.g. Enchantment Levels, Talismans, EcoItems) are no longer held by Players, but by Dispatchers
- Chains / Effects are now triggered by Dispatchers
- Conditions are now checked against Dispatchers
- Triggers are now triggered by Dispatchers

For Developers:
- Deprecated most core API methods and replaced them with new Dispatcher-based methods: e.g. `registerHolderProvider` has been replaced with `registerSpecificHolderProvider<T>` and `registerGenericHolderProvider`
- `Effect#onEnable` and `Effect#onDisable` have had the player versions deprecated and replaced with new versions that take Dispatchers. Update your effects!
- `Condition#isMet` has had the player version deprecated and replaced with a new version that takes a Dispatcher
- All methods like `Player#holders`, `Player#updateHolders`, etc. have been deprecated and replaced with `Dispatcher<*>#holders` etc.

To convert between an `Entity` and a `Dispatcher`, just do `Entity#toDispatcher` - the core flow and most method names have remained the same.

Your existing Effects, Conditions, etc. will still work, however you should update them ASAP as the old methods will eventually be removed!
- Added conditions.default-state-off-main-thread option in /plugins/libreforge/config.yml. This is for more advanced users and should help fix not-met-lines not showing up in rare edge cases. However, changing the value from true to false may also make not-met-lines show up when they shouldn't at times.
- Fixed take_damage causing errors on versions before 1.20
- Deprecated drop_item_for_player, use drop_item instead
- not-met-lines now also works with per-effect conditions
- Added cooldown_effects
- Added create_boss_bar, remove_boss_bar, and update_boss_bar effects
- Added support for item placeholders in lore
- take_damage trigger will no longer trigger for void damage, /kill, or /suicide
- API: Added RegistrableCategory
- Added is_op condition
- Added value to shoot_bow trigger, between 0 and 1 depending on bow pull
- Added value_above, value_below, and value_equals filters
- fully_charged filter now works with shoot_bow
- Added item_durability_above_percent and item_durability_below_percent filters
- smelt trigger now gives the number of items smelted as the value
- Added optional filters for mine_vein
- Added is_passive filter
- aoe and aoe_blocks now supports its effects having their own conditions, filters, mutators, and generic arguments
- API: Combined and deprecated MultiplierModifier and AdditionModifier. The replacement is now IdentifiedModifier
- Fixed victim placeholders (Thanks PQguanfang!)
- Improved give_food effect (Thanks Keegan!)
- Added give_saturation, set_food, and set_saturation effects (Thanks Keegan!)
- Added replant_crops effect (Thanks Callum!)
- Fixed empty slots sometimes passing conditions like in_mainhand, in_offhand, etc.
- Cleaned up ItemData and ItemPoints
- Added option to not always process blocks with telekinesis, improves compatibility with other plugins
- Nested chains now support their own Conditions, Mutators, Filters, and generic arguments like 'chance', 'repeat', 'cooldown', etc.
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