EcoArmor ⭕ Create Custom Armor ✅ Premade Sets ✨ Upgrades, Crafting, Custom Textures

MC Plugin EcoArmor ⭕ Create Custom Armor ✅ Premade Sets ✨ Upgrades, Crafting, Custom Textures 8.58.1
The most advanced custom armor plugin.

- Chain elements are now weighted, so you can make certain elements (effects) more likely than others if using the 'random' run-type.
- API: Chains can now be triggered directly without manually creating a DispatchedTrigger.
- Chains will now be considered executed if any element in them triggered successfully. This fixes bugs where effects lower down in chains are not executed if effects above them failed to run
- Fixed %hits% and %distance% not working
- Fixed feather_step effect breaking pressure plates
- Fixed multiply_velocity effect
- ConditionBlock#isMet is now thread-safe: this fixes many bugs, including where players could be kicked for seemingly no reason
- Massively optimised Condition not-met-lines
- Fixed custom placeholders not being formatted properly
- Fixed bugs with give_health effect
- Unused triggers will no longer be dispatched, which should improve server performance
- Added item points and item levels, read more here:
- Added item_level_above, item_level_below, and item_level_equals conditions
- Added item_points_above, item_points_below, and item_points_equal conditions
- Added give_item_points effect
- Added multiply_item_points effect
- Added level_item_effect
- Added set_item_points effect
- Added set_global_points effect
- Added set_custom_model_data effect
- Added level_up_item trigger
- API: Added TriggerData#foundItem as a shorthand for data.holder.getProvider<ItemStack> ?: data.item
- Added jump option to pull_to_location
- Fixed set_block effect
- Fixed leave_region trigger
- Added %location_x%, %location_y%, %location_z%, and %location_world% placeholders (shorthand: %x%, %y%, %z%, %world%)
- Added /libreforge reloadextensions command
- Fixed repeats not working correctly
- Fixed elytra_boost_save_chance
- Reworked holder loading, duplicate holders will now load properly
- Fixed critical bug with bonus_health and health with add_stat (Thanks SenMC for testing!)
- Fixed bug with the price effect argument (Thanks OzzeR for providing a config to test with!)
- Prices will now throw an exception if they are set to a negative value
- Fixed all effect arguments being called twice for direct-ID chains
- (API) Made all block (EffectBlock/ConditionBlock/etc) constructors internal, this was an oversight, these should not have been public
- Rewrote AttributeModifier-based effects
- Fixed flight effect
- Fixed inverse filters not working
- Config categories can now preload to resolve load order issues
- Removed any use of DefaultArtifactVersion to fix 1.17 support
- Updated to eco 6.55.0
- Fixed extremely critical bug with Counters (Thanks everyone who reported!)
- (API) LibreforgePlugin#categories is now locked, you have to use LibreforgePlugin#addCategory to prevent desync
- (API) Added ViolationLogger and SilentViolationContext to allow for silent compilation
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