✅ DonationTrains [1.13 - 1.20] | Unique reward system for server donations ⭐ Fully configurable

MC Plugin ✅ DonationTrains [1.13 - 1.20] | Unique reward system for server donations ⭐ Fully configurable 2.4.1
Reward the whole server in a new unique way for players donating!


Donation Trains is the perfect plugin for 1.13 - 1.20 servers that accept donations! When a player donates, it adds to the Donation Train. You choose yourself to track the amount of donations, or money made. Create your own donation goals, and if the Donation Train reaches your goals before it ends, all online players are given the goal reward you've created!






  • PlaceholderAPI support
  • Hex color support (1.16+)
  • Everything configurable: settings & messages!
  • Reward the server for reaching the donation goals you have designed
  • Create an unlimited amount of donation goals
  • Choose to track the amount of donations or money made from donations!
  • Choose to only show the Donation Train after a certain amount is reached
  • Manually start a Donation Train with /donationtrain forcestart!
Author FateKid
5,910 pts
2.4.1 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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✅ DonationTrains [1.13 - 1.20] | Unique reward system for server donations ⭐ Fully configurable is the ultimate Minecraft plugin to take your next project to new heights. Increase the quality of your Minecraft server gameplay by downloading it for free!

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