1.17 - 1.21 ⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐Create Custom Enchantments ✅

MC Plugin 1.17 - 1.21 ⭕ AdvancedEnchantments ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants ⭐Create Custom Enchantments ✅ 9.9.7
1.17 - 1.21 ⭐ 450+ Custom Enchants⭐ Enchantment Table & Anvil Support ⭕ Admin Items

Updated McMMO support to 2.2.013 (older versions are no longer supported)
Fixed equipping non-armor helmets causing error in console
Added custom trench (e.g. 3x3x1) effect
Added trench ignore correct tool option (break with trench using with any tool)
Added configurable veinminer depth
Added blacklist and whitelist support for trench levels
REPEATING now support hand and offhand (not only armor)
Fixed issue with alchemist menu on geyser servers not clicking items into it correctly
Added support for AuraSkills 2.x, removed support for AureliumSkills 1.x
Fixed error with souls if no soul lore is set
ADD_ENCHANT/REMOVE_ENCHANT no longer displays invalid enchant error when using custom enchants
Improved Anvils compatibility with MAX_COST
Improved Grindstone logic
Fixed HORSE_ARMOR not working as valid material
Fixed Mined blocks statistic incrementing too much
Code Improvements!
  • Like (+1)
Reactions: Kidoll
Fixed issue with 1.21 nms error in console
Updated Lands plugin integration
Few other fixes and improvements
  • Like (+1)
Reactions: Kidoll
Added API ItemApplyEvent for all plugin items
Reworked BREAK_TREE algorithm to identify logs better
Fixed anvil combine same levels not possible on last version
Updated REPEATING chances to work correctly on equip
  • Like (+1)
Reactions: untivl112
Added placeholderapi support for enchanter.yml
Updated SaberFactions hook
Fixed blocktrack lore dissapearing on ce apply
Improved anvil logic
Improved xp logic (xp being off by one point sometimes)
Improved Armor equip checks. Now correctly stops armor swap spamming and random keeping of effects on unequip
Fixed grindstone not working with only ce enchantments and none vanilla ones
Fixed grindstone exp dupe
Fixed enchantment book name after using grindstone
Fixed error with armor equip if player is not online/invalid entity
Custom enchanted items now glow (applies only for 1.20.6+)
Improved allowed material checking for /ae enchant command
Fixed null exception on item click
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