[1.12.2-1.21] GriefDefender - claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection

MC Plugin [1.12.2-1.21] GriefDefender - claim plugin Grief Prevention Protection 2.5.12
Protection, Claims, GriefPrevention, Flags, Rent, Sell.

This is a hotfix update

2.5.12 Changelog
* Fix preset lang files not migrating from hocon to json.

This is a hotfix for claimnames.conf not being migrated properly. This file holds all claim id to UUID mappings. Follow these steps to re-migrate your old hocon file.

  1. Delete the claimnames.yml file
  2. Rename original claimnames.conf.bak to claimnames.conf
  3. Apply this updated jar.
  4. Boot server and this time the claimnames.conf should be migrated properly.

It is HIGHLY recommended to backup your entire GriefDefender plugin config folder before proceeding with update as all user configs will be migrated to YAML and all lang files will be migrated to JSON. If you prefer to stick with HOCON then open jar and change yaml to hocon in config_format.txt.

2.5.9 Changelog

Code (Text):

* Fix claimnames.conf migration.
* Fix tag.conf not being migrated from hocon.

Note: New servers or existing on 2.5.5 may skip this section.
Backup LP/GD before updating to 2.5.0+ as there are a few big changes.

1. LP's default(NOT GD) parent groups should be only `griefdefender_option` and `griefdefender_override`
2. Remove parent groups from `griefdefender_trust_<type>` groups
3. Adjust `griefdefender_trust_<type>` group weights as such
- `griefdefender_trust_manager` should have -70 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_builder` should have -71 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_container` should have -72 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_accessor` should have -73 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_resident` should have -74 weight
4. Set 'luckperms-playerdata' to true in migrator section of global.conf.
Note: If you do not see this setting, simply add it manually and set to true.
5. Add new lang entry 'label-expiration=Expiration' or wipe lang folder to regenerate clean.

Note: GD lookup priority is as follows : griefdefender_override -> claim -> claimgroup -> definition -> griefdefender_default.
Note: New servers or existing on 2.5.5 may skip this section.
Backup LP/GD before updating to 2.5.0+ as there are a few big changes.
Existing servers must complete the following before updating to 2.5.0+

1. LP's default(NOT GD) parent groups should be only `griefdefender_option` and `griefdefender_override`
2. Remove parent groups from `griefdefender_trust_<type>` groups
3. Adjust `griefdefender_trust_<type>` group weights as such
- `griefdefender_trust_manager` should have -70 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_builder` should have -71 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_container` should have -72 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_accessor` should have -73 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_resident` should have -74 weight
4. Set 'luckperms-playerdata' to true in migrator section of global.conf.
Note: If you do not see this setting, simply add it manually and set to true.
5. Add new lang entry 'label-expiration=Expiration' or wipe lang folder to regenerate clean.

Note: GD lookup priority is as follows : griefdefender_override -> claim -> claimgroup -> definition -> griefdefender_default.
2.5.5 Changelog
* Fix transferred children claims being able to resize without having manager trust in parent when using '/claimexpand' or '/claimcontract'
This is another hotfix as we realized removing 'context-storage-type' was not a good idea.

Context Storage Type

This is how 'context-storage-type' will work now when used on shared DB storage :

global - GD will query all claims and ignore LP's server context. If you do NOT want a server to be counted toward's a player's total claim block cost then you should change it's table prefix or move the server to a standalone GD DB.

server - GD will query all claims that match LP's server context. For example, if you have 3 survival servers all using the LP server context 'survival' and want GD to share blocks across these 3 servers then this is the option you should use.

Note: If you do NOT want to share blocks with any other server then you can have a unique LP server context or set 'force-server-only' to 'true'.

world - GD will query all claims that match the current server and world UUID. This is used if you want players to have separate block data per world.

2.5.3 Changelog
* Revert 'context-storage-type' change in 2.5.2.
* Update 'context-storage-type' global logic to account for all claims in DB regardless of LP server context.
* Add 'force-server-only' setting for a server that does not want player block data shared with any other server.
* More fixes for 'protected-worlds'
* Fix entity-damage checking trust for actions such as player fall.

New lang entries have been added for new player-deny-glide option.
You can delete the lang folder to regenerate with new entries or add the following :
option-apply-player-deny-glide="&cYou do not have access to glide in this claim and have been teleported to a safe spot on ground."
option-description-player-deny-glide="&aUsed to determine if a player is unable to glide in a claim.\n&dNote&f: This does not give players the ability to glide, it merely removes the...

Note: New servers may skip this section.

Backup LP/GD before updating to 2.5.0+ as there are a few big changes.

Existing servers must complete the following before updating to 2.5.0+

1. LP's default(NOT GD) parent groups should be only `griefdefender_option` and `griefdefender_override`
2. Remove parent groups from `griefdefender_trust_<type>` groups
3. Adjust `griefdefender_trust_<type>` group weights as such
- `griefdefender_trust_manager` should have -70 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_builder` should have -71 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_container` should have -72 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_accessor` should have -73 weight
- `griefdefender_trust_resident` should have -74 weight
4. Set 'luckperms-playerdata' to true in migrator section of global.conf.
Note: If you do not see this setting, simply add it manually and set to true.
5. Add new lang entry 'label-expiration=Expiration' or wipe lang folder to regenerate clean.
MC 1.20.4 Support

This is a minor release that adds support for Minecraft 1.20.4 servers and provides some bug fixes.
This update addresses an issue with players being able to resize into WorldGuard regions.
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