185 XP
Hello, Itz Me Harshit I'm a minecraft develoer/web developer and I'm 15 years old and I'm from India
I joined this community for minecraft leaks and I'm a developer and this website helps me get plugin config maps setups models website bots many more I use that all and I gain money from that's I'm a freelancer I charge some money for making a serves I have made lot of server I have like 4.5+ years experince and owning more than 15 server of minecraft and I created more than 100 website for my practice and I have made like 38 website for clients
I joined this community for minecraft leaks and I'm a developer and this website helps me get plugin config maps setups models website bots many more I use that all and I gain money from that's I'm a freelancer I charge some money for making a serves I have made lot of server I have like 4.5+ years experince and owning more than 15 server of minecraft and I created more than 100 website for my practice and I have made like 38 website for clients