- Fixed: [#2502] Issues with retrieving skin data for heads, etc. This finally removes errors printed by the server's API. Which might
occur if Mojangs API is down etc.
Added: [Suggestion] Visualization for suction radius
Make sure to update the suction item in the GUI language file accordingly:
Code:upgrade_suction_radius: lore: '&8✖ &7Upgrade the suction radius.[newline] &7The hopper sucks all items that[newline] &7are in this radius.[newline][newline] &8• &7Current: {value}[newline] &8• &7Next:&a {value_next}[newline] &7Cost:&c {cost}[newline][newline]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK[newline] &7Toggle suction: {suction_status}[newline]&8✖ &9SHIFT + RIGHT CLICK[newline] &7Visualize suction radius.' name: '&6&lSuction Radius'
+ Added: You can now set names for hoppers
You might want to change the list item for the /hopper list menu:
YAML:entry_object: lore: '&8✖ &7Open the hoppers menu.[newline][newline]&8✖ &9RIGHT CLICK[newline] &7Teleport to the hopper[newline] &7for&c {cost}&7.[newline]&8✖ &3DROP[newline] &7Delete this hopper.[newline] &8• &cThe item can''t be given[newline] &cback to you, if the area[newline] &cisn''t loaded.' name: '{name}'