
MC Plugin UnlimitedNameTags 1.6.6
Customize player nametags with a multi line system and rgb usernames.

Mojang has set some limits on how name tags are used, making scoreboard teams necessary. These limits include:

  • Only legacy colors can be used for username colors and player glow colors.
  • Usernames, prefixes, and suffixes have a maximum length and can only be customized on one line.

Luckily, UnlimitedNameTags can get around these restrictions. It handles all the logic using packets and asynchronous threads, so there's no lag to worry about.


In order to use this plugin you need
  • PacketEvents
  • Spigot 1.20.2 or higher
  • Paper 1.19.4 or higher
Then you can edit settings.yml to customize the plugin according to your needs.

You can check the wiki page for more information about settings.

UnlimitedNameTags is confirmed to work with:
  • Velocitab (remove nametags on true and make nametag prefix and footer empty in tabgroups)
  • TAB

UnlimitedNameTags will disable default player nametag in favor of a display entity as a passenger. Everything is made packet based


/unt reload - Reloads the plugin configuration.
/unt debug - Debugs the plugin.
/unt hide <player> - Hides the nametag for a specific player.
/unt show <player> - Shows the nametag for a specific player.
/unt formatter <formatter> - MINEDOWN, MINIMESSAGE, LEGACY or UNIVERSAL
/unt billboard <billboard> - Billboard wiki

Spigot Version:
The spigot version requires a custom packet events version that you can find here (If you use paper ignore this)

  • There is a limitation with npc plugin that doesn't use a nameplate/hologram for displaying the npc displayname. Check the wiki for more information
  • A bug with iris mod is currently waiting for a fix since it makes see through option bugged.
  • A bug with vanilla client is currently waiting for a fix since it makes see through option bugged.
  • There could be problems with plugins that use passengers or that make the player ride blocks/stairs.
  • Geyser isn't supported
  • ViaBackWards isn't supported
Author im_oniguru
375 pts
1.6.6 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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