TradeMe with API to create custom trades (1.7.10-1.21.x)

MC Plugin TradeMe with API to create custom trades (1.7.10-1.21.x)
Trade by Items/Money/Exp/McMMO/Jobs exp/Residence/GriefPrevention


User friendly trading plugin. What else to say about it. You can trade items, money, exp, McMMO, Jobs exp, Jobs points, GriefPrevention blocks, PlayerPoints,TokenManager, MyPet pets, Kingdoms resource points or even Residence with other players. Includes API to support 3rd party plugins injecting custom trade modes. Example code can be found over GitHub

Why did I created this:
I know that there is bunch of trading plugins out there. But none of them doing what it suppose to do. Some of them lets you trade only with items, some of them lets you add money, but they doing it in really funky way I might say... And none of them offering exp trade. Not talking about Residence, mcmmo or jobs exp trading.

Java 8 and up
Minecraft 1.7.10/1.8/1.9/1.10/1.11/1.12/1.13/1.14/1.15/1.16/1.17/1.18

- for economy support
McMMO - for mcmmo exp trading support
Jobs - for jobs exp trading support
Residence - for residence trading support
GriefPrevention - For trading with GP blocks
PlayerPoints - For trading with player points
MyPet - For trading with your pets
Kingdoms - For trading with kingdoms resource points
TokenManager - For trading tokens
MMOCore - For trading with skill and attribute points


  • Lightweight
  • Have API for custom trade modes
  • Very easy to use
  • Multi-world support
  • Dynamic trade window depending on users permissions
  • Item trade fields dynamic variations from 12 to 20 fields
  • Trading with Items (optional)
  • Trading with Money (optional)
  • Trading with Exp (optional)
  • Trading with McMMO exp (optional)
  • Trading with Jobs exp (optional)
  • Trading with Residence (optional)
  • Trading with GriefPrevention blocks (optional)
  • Trading with PlayerPoints (optional)
  • Trading with MyPet pets (optional)
  • Trading with Kingdoms resource points (optional)
  • Trading with TokenManager tokens (optional)
  • Trading with MMOCore skill points or/and attribute points (optional)
  • Option to limit trading based by both players permission groups
  • Supports taxes being taken after trades.
  • Supports Shift clicking
  • With sounds to be even more friendly
  • By default players have 8 different amount values to play around: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10 000, 100 000, 1 000 000, 10 000 000
  • By holding shift, while changing amount, will multiply amount 10 times!
  • Trading logging into SqLite/Mysql data bases
  • WorldGuard support
  • Vanished players support
  • Dynamic trade window, will change according of users permissions!
  • Option to have simple trade window with simple -s variable
  • Shift + Right click to offer trade
  • Possibility to accept trade by clicking on chat message!
  • Accept counter to prevent last second changes
  • Action bar messages on money/exp/mcmmo offer change.
  • Any changes will reset accept buttons for both sides, so no cheating
  • Option to lock QuickBar to prevent trades from it (Some plugins uses it, like spells)
  • Detailed feedback after trade with how much money/exp/mcmmo you got and item list.
  • Customizable trade distance
  • Prevent trades between different game modes
  • Prevent trades between worlds
  • Prevent trades in specific WorldGuard regions
  • Prevent trades in specific Residence areas
  • Possible to set up black listed worlds for trade
  • Option for each player to block trade offers from player
  • Option for each player to block all trade offers
  • Admins can start, by force (Luke use your force...), trade between 2 players
  • Item black list support
  • All messages are customizable
  • Customizable money/exp/mcmmo increments
  • All "Buttons" are customizable
  • Permissions to bypass blocked worlds, players, trading between worlds or global player trading block.
Spoiler: ConfigFile


/Trade - Shows all possible commands and information
/Trade [playername] [-s] - Sends trade offer
/Trade accept - Accept to currently pending trade request
/Trade deny - Refuses trade request
/Trade block [playername] - Blocks trade requests from player (per user)
/Trade toggle - Toggles global trade accepts (per user)
/Trade force [playername] [playername] [-s]- Starts trade between 2 players
/Trade reload - Reloads config file


By default regular user will have access to accept, deny, block, toggle and of course /trade [username] commands. - gives access to trade offer and accept in general. By default its given for all players.

trademe.commandoffer - allow to give trade offer with command (given by default)
trademe.shiftoffer - allow to give trade offer by shift clicking
trademe.command.accept - /trade accept
trademe.command.deny - /trade deny
trademe.command.block - /trade block
trademe.command.toggle - /trade toggle
trademe.command.reload - /trade reload
trademe.command.force - /trade force
trademe.command.set - /trade set
trademe.command.purge - /trade purge
trademe.command.log - /trade log

trademe.logothers - Access to logs of other people

trademe.moneytrade - gives permission to trade with money
trademe.moneytrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with money with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.exptrade - gives permission to trade with exp
trademe.exptrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with exp with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.mcmmotrade - gives permission to trade with mcmmo exp
trademe.mcmmotrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with mcmmo exp with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.jobstrade - gives permission to trade with jobs exp
trademe.jobstrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with jobs exp with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.jobspointstrade - gives permission to trade with jobs points
trademe.jobspointstrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with jobs points with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.residencetrade - gives permission to trade with residences
trademe.residencetrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with residences with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.geriefpreventiontrade - gives permission to trade with GriefPrevention blocks
trademe.geriefpreventiontrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with GriefPrevention blocks with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.playerpointstrade - gives permission to trade with PlayerPoints
trademe.playerpointstrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with PlayerPoints with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.mypettrade - gives permission to trade with MyPet pets
trademe.mypettrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with MyPet pets with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.kingdomstrade - gives permission to trade with kingdoms resource points
trademe.kingdomstrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with Kingdoms resource points with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.tokenmanagertrade - gives permission to trade with TokenManager tokens
trademe.tokenmanagertrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with TokenManager tokens with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.mmocoreattributestrade - gives permission to trade with MMOCore attribute points
trademe.mmocoreattributestrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with attribute points with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.mmocoreskillpointstrade- gives permission to trade with MMOCore skill points
trademe.mmocoreskillpointstrade.[group] - gives permission to trade with MMOCore skill points with particular permission group if TradeGroups enabled in config file.

trademe.vanishtrade - Allows to trade while vanished

trademe.groupbypass - Bypasses world groups
trademe.blockbypass - Bypasses players blocks
trademe.globalbypass - Bypasses global player trade block
trademe.betweenworldbypass - Bypasses blocking trade between worlds
trademe.worldbypass - Bypasses blocked trade worlds
trademe.itembypass - Bypasses item black list
trademe.debug - Shows debug messages if debuging is enabled in config file

  • TradeEndEvent - fired when trade is ended by one of players
  • TradeFinishEvent - fired when trade is successfully finished
  • TradeStartEvent - fired when trade is being started





  1. Drag and Drop jar into your plugins folder
  2. Start and stop server for default files to be created
  3. Edit by your choice, start and enjoy
Author shanruto
4,875 pts Version
5.00 star(s) 3 ratings Average Rating (3)

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