[#] Fixed a few scaffold false positives
[#] Improved the identifications of NPC players
[#] Fixed a few detection null errors
[#] Prompted statistics to recalculated when max data has been updated
[#] Prevented certain statistics from running when not needed
[#] Pushed the requirements of statistics to their minimum
[#] Fixed punishments toggle not working via the menu
[#] Made probabilities of hardcoded detections to decay over time
[#] Changed certain detections from probabilistic to hardcoded
[#] Properly listed a few detections to their respective packets/bukkit category
[#] Removed the bukkit gravity detection
[#] Disabled certain detections of FastClicks when on packets
[#] Fixed console errors related to bubble columns
[#] Fixed minor issues related to asynchronous activity
[-] Removed the punishments webhook URL option as it was not used
[#] Rewrote the line of sight block method because bukkit's method caused crashes
[#] Fixed an iterator console error caused by copy-on-array-list implementation
[#] Fixed inventory utils rare console error related to missing material
[#] Fixed water speed bypass
[#] Fixed potential lag issue related to thread usage
[#] Improved the stability of certain statistics
[#] Fixed false positives caused by incorrect usage of threads
[#] Decreased the amount of calls for certain statistical methods
[#] Fixed speed ground/fastclimb bypasses
[#] Fixed many speed/gravity falses
[#] Fixed falses with collision
[#] Fixed falses with vehicles
[#] Fixed falses with minecarts
[#] Fixed falses with ender pearls
[#] Fixed a vehicle related false with HitReach
[#] Fixed a vehicle related console error
[#] Accelerated the learning time of the statistics by introducing data assumptions
[#] Detections will still collect data regardless of them or the check being disabled.
[#] Improved the time statistics take to calculate certain time distances.
[#] Fixed certain FastClicks false positives related to items dropping.
[#] Fixed a nearby entities method bug where it could include the player himself.
[-] Removed the ItemDrops detection as it wasn't really helping anywhere.
[#] Fixed a few FastPlace false positives.
[+] New Velocity handling for Speed checks
[#] Fixed null exception error
[#] Fixed annoying flaw deep in the plugin (because of which there was a disabler)
[#] Made detections reset when a player rejoined the server.
[#] Fixed an Exploits dead-chat-usage false positive.
[#] Fixed some critical flaws in simulation gravity/accel
[#] Fixed simulation gravity/accel bypasses
[#] Fixed NoSlow flaws
[#] Fixed Jesus bypasses
[#] Fixed flaws with horse
[#] Improved how certain statistical outcomes are calculated.
[#] Improved when certain logs are stored that lead to additional statistical improvements.
[#] Added timezone support to log dates so that when time changes, statistics don't break.
[#] Removed Chunk snapshots and instead relied on checking if a chunk is loaded to get data needed.
[#] Optimized and at the same time improved the measurement of online and AFK time.
[#] Changed the structure of certain logs to make them easier and faster to decode and understand.
[#] Data collection remaining time is now available in all inventory menus of the plugin.
[#] Data collection of a check will now be true only if at least half of its detections have collected data.
[#] Fixed bugs with the Player Info menu where some data would not show.
[#] Potentially fixed a rare console error related to the player's latency.
[-] Removed time precision from log dates that led to extra space and potential reading flaws.
[-] As a result of this update, your statistics will start from scratch, but that is for the better good.