ServerSleeper [ECO-Mode]

MC Plugin ServerSleeper [ECO-Mode]
Let your server sleep when nobody plays on it to save resources (CPU) and energy!

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This plugin lets your server sleep when nobody is playing. That would save resources fully automatically and it also saves your wallet and the earth by saving energy!
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  • SAVE MONEY & ENERGY! The server sleeps when nobody is playing to save CPU Resources & Energy.
  • FAST-LOGIN! You will not feel the difference to a normal server. (*1)
  • SERVERPING-CHECKER! The sleep-mode can be deactivated immediately when a player pings the server.
  • CRONJOBS! Let your server sleep at certain times, whenever you want! (Out of the box!)
  • CUSTOMIZE EVERYTHING! All small details can be edited in the config.
  • NO LAGS! Extremely efficient programming! Virtually no server resources are required! No lags - guaranteed!
  • RELOAD RESISTANT! The plugin is not affected in its function by a "reload" and can handle it without problems.
  • UPDATE-CHECKER! Get a notification as soon as a new update is available!
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The commands listed here may no longer be up-to-date.
An up-to-date list of all commands can be found in the ServerSleeper-Docs.
Available permissions are listed in detail here: ServerSleeper-Permissions

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We keep all the information ready in the ServerSleeper-Docs.
There is also a detailed documentation about the individual config options.

Available config files:

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  • Java 8 (or higher)
  • Spigot Server
  • TubeTils (Installs automatically)
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  • Questions? We have already answered most of the questions in our FAQ: ServerSleeper-FAQ
  • Problems? Our support is available anytime, whenever you need us: Support
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  1. Buy and download the plugin ServerSleeper.
  2. Upload or move the plugin into your /plugins folder
  3. Restart your server (recommended) or run /reload
  4. Open the Config.yml and edit all values that you want. Restart or reload the server again. (optional)
  5. Enjoy and rate the plugin, to support me!
Author FateKid
6,835 pts Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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