⛏️ RPGMoney - money with CUSTOM TEXTURE - NO MODS

MC Plugin ⛏️ RPGMoney - money with CUSTOM TEXTURE - NO MODS 1.1.32
Drops money when you kill mobs or players, break blocks, fish ( compatible with ItemsAdder )


(Previously known as RealMoney)
Drops real banknotes and coins!
No need to install mods on your client or server, no need to install Forge like clients or servers, let the plugin do its job




✅ Per world settings
✅ Per mob type settings
✅ Anti farming system
✅ Drops money when you kill a mob or player
✅ Drops money when you break blocks
✅ Drops money when you fish
✅ Holographic display indicating money amount

✅ Real banknotes and coins with custom texture!
✅Lightweight, optimized for every server
✅ No need to replace Minecraft vanilla items textures
✅ Completely configurable money amounts, drop chance etc.
✅ No need to install mods on the client or to install Forge
Custom sound on pickup
✅Money multiplier permission
✅You can even disable old obtained money items to make them not usable anymore, for example after a "server season/event"
✅Compatible with ItemsAdder and NewItems (no need to own them, they're optional)

Author FateKid
6,835 pts
1.1.32 Version
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings Average Rating (0)

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