![[IMG] [IMG]](http://www.zrips.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/newlogo-1.jpg)
Supports 1.7.10 - 1.21 servers
Bukkit/Spigot/PaperSpigot 100% support
Folia partial support
As of version you need to have CMILib to run this plugin properly. You can download it HERE
Report issues over GitHub
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://www.zrips.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/about.jpg)
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://www.zrips.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/features.jpg)
Residence includes many features that help server owners to manage protection. This includes:
- Allows players to define protected areas for themselves.
- Option for players to rent their own land for other people for the amount of money for defined time period.
- Teleport system to allow users to teleport to residences.
- Option for players to sell their land for other players
- Optional Land "leasing" system which requires users to renew the lease on their protection every X number of days or loose the protection. (off by default, see config file)
- Option to charge defined amount of money for each protected block or each block column.
- Support for moded blocks to be included into protection list as containers or interactable
- Option to include prefix in chat of your main residence
- Option to use teleportation to residence with delay to prevent running from PVP
- Option to kick players from your residence and prevent any future entry into it with simple command
- Integrated residence sign system to have easy way to buy/rent without using any commands
- Integrated unique system to have special residences as public shops
- Integrated system to vote for each shop by giving points or by giving "likes"
- Option to prevent negative potion effects in residence but allow positive ones.
- Shop sorting by most popular
- Possibility to restore residence area to the previous state on rent end event with help of WorldEdit Schematics
- Integrated residence chat system
- Support messages to be shown in ActionBar to avoid chat spamming.
- Option to get part of money back when deleting your residence
- Easy to use area selection tool with unique selection visualizer in the game.
- Shows bounds of residence with particle effects if you can't enter it
- Detailed region information
- Individual permissions for each protected area. The land owner can give / deny permissions globally or to other specific players.
- PlaceHolderAPI support
- %residence_user_current_owner% - returns current residence owner name
- %residence_user_current_rentends% - returns time when rent ends
- %residence_user_current_rentdays% - returns number of days you can rent area
- %residence_user_current_rentedby% - returns player name who is renting area
- %residence_user_current_rentprice% - returns area price if its for rent
- %residence_user_current_forrent% - returns true or false if area is for rent
- %residence_user_current_saleprice% - return sale price
- %residence_user_current_forsale% - return true or false if area is for sale
- %residence_user_current_ssize% - returns residence size in squares (x*z)
- %residence_user_current_qsize% - returns residence size in cubes (x*z*y)
- %residence_user_current_bank% - returns residence bank amount
- %residence_user_current_res% - returns name of current residence
- %residence_user_blocksell% - returns players block sell amount
- %residence_user_blockcost% - returns players block buy cost
- %residence_user_maxrentdays% - returns players max rent days
- %residence_user_maxrents% - returns players max rentable residences player can have
- %residence_user_maxsubdepth% - returns max allowed subzone depth
- %residence_user_maxsub% - returns max subzone amount player can have
- %residence_user_maxud% - returns max size in height
- %residence_user_maxew% - returns max size in lenght
- %residence_user_maxres% - returns max size in width
- %residence_user_cancreate% - returns true or false if player can create residences
- %residence_user_amount% - returns amount of residences player currently have
- %residence_user_admin% - returns true or false depending if player is res admin or not
- %residence_user_group% - returns players residence group
- Integrated GUI for easy flags changes
- Integrated Sign support for easy usage. Use [market] on first sign line and you are done.
You need to add residence into market with /res market rentable [residenceName] [costToRent] [intervalInDays] (allowRenewing) (stayInMarket) (allowAutoPay) command, in example /res market rentable MyHouse 1000 7 this will put MyHouse into market for rent, for 1000 bucks each week. After that, put sign inside residence with top line as [market] and rest will be filled up, or you can put outside residence by providing residence name in second/third/fourth lines, start from first and carry name on next line if it cant fit on
Different permissions per land include: move, build, use, PVP, fire, teleport, monsters spawn, damage prevention... in total over 90 different flags to play around
move: true
build: true
place: true
destroy: true
use: true
container: true
pvp: true
tp: true
ignite: true
firespread: true
bucket: true
flow: true
lavaflow: true
waterflow: true
creeper: true
tnt: true
monsters: true
animals: true
subzone: true
healing: true
piston: true
diode: true
lever: true
button: true
door: true
table: true
enchant: true
brew: true
bed: true
cake: true
note: true
trample: false
burn: true
explode: true
fireball: true
trusted: false
admin: false
cmonsters: false
smonsters: false
nmonsters: false
canimals: false
sanimals: false
nanimals: false
animalkilling: true
mobkilling: false
nofly: false
vehicledestroy: false
shear: false
leash: false
feed: false
damage: true
hidden: false
pressure: false
redstone: false
craft: false
trade: false
nomobs: false
witherdamage: false
command: false
overridepvp: false
keepinv: false
keepexp: false
bank: false
shop: false
day: false
night: false
chat: false
nodurability: false
mobitemdrop: false
mobexpdrop: false
dragongrief: false
snowtrail: false
respawn: false
enderpearl: false
dye: false
bucketfill: false
bucketempty: false
iceform: false
riding: true
snowball: false
icemelt: false
pistonprotection: false
dryup: false
sun: false
rain: false
hook: false
chorustp: false
backup: false
hotfloor: false
coords: false
anvil: true
beacon: true
commandblock: false
egg: true
flowerpot: true
spread: true
glow: true
wspeed1: true
wspeed2: true
decay: true
grow: true
jump2: false
jump3: false
falldamage: true
witherspawn: true
flowinprotection: true
fallinprotection: true
witherdestroy: true
witherdestruction: true
fly: false
- Support for group permissions on protections.
- Automatic residence removal if player is X days offline
- Option to have TNT and creeper explosions bellow 62 level outside of residence. To have the best vanilla experience.
- Build in AntiGrief protection, imposible to grief protected land
[*]Code:TNT: # When set to true will allow TNT and minecart with TNT to explode below 62 (default) level outside of residence # This will allow mining with TNT and more vanilla play ExplodeBelow: false level: 62 Creeper: # When set to true will allow Creeper explode below 62 (default) level outside of residence # This will give more realistic gameplay ExplodeBelow: false level: 62 Flow: # Level from which one to start lava and water flow blocking # This don't have effect in residence area Level: 63 # With this set to true, lava flow outside residence is blocked NoLavaFlow: false # With this set to true, water flow outside residence is blocked NoWaterFlow: false Worlds: - LT_Craftas Place: # Level from which one to start block lava and water place # This don't have effect in residence area Level: 63 # With this set to true, players can't place lava outside residence NoLavaPlace: true # With this set to true, players can't place water outside residence NoWaterPlace: true Worlds: - LT_Craft BlockFall: # With this set to true, falling blocks will be deleted if they will land in different area Use: true # Level from which one to start block block's fall # This don't have effect in residence area or outside Level: 62 Worlds: - LT_Craft ResCleaning: # With this set to true, after player removes its residence, all blocks listed below, will be replaced with air blocks # Effective way to prevent residence creating near griefing target and then remove it Use: true # Level from which one you want to replace blocks Level: 63 # Block list to be replaced # By default only water and lava will be replaced Blocks: - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 Worlds: - LT_Craft Flags: # By setting this to true flags from list will be protected from change while there is some one inside residence besides owner # Protects in example from people inviting some one and changing pvp flag to true to kill them Prevent: true list: - pvp
- Protection against sand/gravel cannons
- Multi-World support.
- Option to determine minimal size of residence by each side
- Option to disable plugin in particular worlds
- Random teleportation over entire world
- Collision detection system to prevent residences from overlapping.
- Recursive Sub-zoning. Create zones within zones, and then zones within those zones...
- Limits to protected size can be set up by the admin.
- Limits to number of protected areas per player can be set.
- Couple ways to select land including using the select command, using a item to select 2 points or auto selection on player move.
- Free small residence option for new player on first chest place (optional)
- Show custom message for player when they placing first chest to give some instructions how to protect land
- Messages when you enter/leave a residence. (customizable)
- TONS of configuration for admins. Customize every single flag that players can or cannot use in the config file, based on their permissions group.
- (Optional) IConomy support, can set up cost per X number of blocks protected.
- (Optional) Permissions support.
- (Optional) WorldGuard support
- (Optional) CrackShot support
- (Optional) Full DynMap support with included option to modify colors and whats is shown on map.
- Couldron support
- In-game help / commands descriptions
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://www.zrips.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/api-1.jpg)
Plugin resPlug = getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Residence");
if (resPlug != null) {
ResidenceApi resAPI = Residence.getAPI();
- ResidenceCreationEvent
- ResidenceSubzoneCreationEvent
- ResidenceFlagChangeEvent
- ResidenceDeleteEvent
- ResidenceOwnerChangeEvent
- ResidenceRenameEvent
- ResidenceRentEvent
- ResidenceSizeChangeEvent
- ResidenceChatEvent
- ResidenceCommandEvent
- ResidenceFlagCheckEvent
- ResidenceTPEvent
- ResidenceAreaAddEvent
- ResidenceAreaDeleteEvent
- residence.group.[groupname] - defines players residence group from groups.yml file
- residence.command.[commandName] - allows usage of particular command. By default access to all essential commands are given to all players.
- residence.command.list.others - allows to see other player residence list.
- residence.flag.[flag] - allows player to use particular flag even if its disabled in flag.yml file
- residence.worldguard.[worldRegionName] - allows to create residence intercepting with defined worldguard region
- residence.command.[commandName] - by negating this permission prevents players from usage of particular command.
- residence.max.subzones.[number] - max subzones player can have
- residence.max.subzonedepth.[number] - max subzone depth player can have
- residence.max.rents.[number] - max number of rented places player can have
- residence.max.res.[number] - maximum number of residences player can have
- residence.buy - allows player to buy residence (optional if group don't have CanBuy: true)
- residence.sell - allows player to sell residence (optional if group don't have CanSell: true)
- residence.admin - (OP) Gives you access to /resadmin
- residence.topadmin - (OP) Gives you access to /resreload and /resload commands
- residence.admin.tp - (OP) Allows to override tp flag
- residence.admin.move - (OP) Allows to override move flag
- residence.create - (Default) Allows you to create residences
- residence.select - (Default) Allows you to select an area to make residences
- residence.nofly.bypass - (OP) Bypasses nofly in residence
- residence.delete - (Default) allows to delete residence you own
- residence.delete.subzone - (Default) allows to delete subzone you own
- residence.rename - (Default) Allows you to rename residences
- residence.create.subzone - (Default) allows to create subzone in residence/subzone you own
- residence.expand - (Default) allows to expand residence you own
- residence.expand.subzone - (Default) allows to expand subzone you own
- residence.contract - (Default) allows to contract residence you own
- residence.contract.subzone - (Default) allows to contract subzone you own
- residence.resize - (Default) allows to resize residence
- residence.versioncheck - (OP) Notice to new version after connect
- residence.nofly.bypass - (OP) Bypasses nofly flag in residence
- residence.flag.command.bypass - (OP) Bypasses command flag in residence
- residence.select.auto.others - (OP) Allows to turn on auto selection for other players
- residence.chatcolor - (Default) Allows to change residence chat color
- residence.chatprefix - (OP) Allows to change residence chat prefix
- residence.chatkick - (Default) Allows to kick players from residence chat
- residence.compass - (Default) Allows to set compass pointer to residence
- residence.randomtp - (Default) Allows to use /res rt command
- residence.bypass.build - Bypasses build false flag
- residence.bypass.destroy - Bypasses destroy false flag
- residence.bypass.ignorey - Bypassess ignoreY setting in config file and allows to select custom area
- residence.backup - allows to set backup flag
- residence.cleanbypass - prevents players residence to be removed on automatic cleaning.
- residence.market.evict - allow to evict player from residence by force
- residence.flybypass - allows to bypass fly flag
- residence.tpdelaybypass - allows to bypass tp delay to residence
- residence.command.message.enter - allows to modify enter message
- residence.command.message.leave - allows to modify leave message
- residence.command.message.enter.remove - allows toremove enter message
- residence.command.message.leave.remove - allows to remove leave meesage
![[IMG] [IMG]](http://www.zrips.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/resources.jpg)