QUARRY ✅ Resource Extraction Machines + Resource Pack [1.12.2-1.21.4]

MC Plugin QUARRY ✅ Resource Extraction Machines + Resource Pack [1.12.2-1.21.4] 1.12-1.21.4
7 machines for mining ore, wool, mobs, food, etc. Wide customization! Improved quarry functions!

- Fixed method to bedrock resource pack implementation
- Fixed block break event in protected regions
- Added checks for 0 and negative amounts
- Fixed player_head error for 1.21.4
- Added ability to connect resourcepack for 1.21.4 (threshold)
- Added support for 1.21.4
- Added options where the quarry will turn off if there are no players in the specified range.
- Added the ability to force gradual purchase of modules. So that the player does not immediately buy maximum boosts.
- Added ability to change quarry material to player's head with texture
- Fixed the inclusion of a quarry when purchasing a module.
- Fixed shift click
- Added support for 1.21.2 and 1.21.3
- Fixed shulker limit
- Reduced load during farm quarry work
- Removing old methods and merging cycles.
- Added support for LiteFish plugin
- Added support for MythicalMobs plugin
- Stone quarry now can dig itemsadder/oraxen blocks
- Added list of digging ores for ore/stone quarries
- Added ability to add textures to turned ON/OFF machines.
- Added list of digging ores (for ItemsAdder and Oraxen)
- Added new resource pack with animations for this plugin
- Added support for itemsadder and oraxen ores
- Hidden attributes of elements in the GUI.
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- Hidden attributes of elements in the GUI.
- Added ability to use HEX gradient colors.
Example: #(00FF80)Text#(FFFFFF)
- Fixed duplication in the shulker box
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